19. We Have Healing Conceptually Wrong


I started to think that I felt as a society we were quite “coddled”, which is an unusual perspective from a millennial who although is generally apolitical, leans more socially progressive. I wasn’t sure why I felt this way, as I feel our emphasis on mental health, emotions and spiritual root causes was overall leaning in the right direction. But I began to fixate on how we treated mental health problems. From my personal experiences and general observation of the world, clients often come to mental health professionals with issues which are listened to but usually not directly addressed. Those who have traumatic experiences are often guided to avoid regressing back to these memories in order not to trigger an unpleasant/uncomfortable response. Through the laws of energy, these experiences still exist within our subconscious whether we like it or not, and are working against us in regards to law of attraction. Not only that, they influence and skew our perception value, typically in a negative way. From a western medicine perspective, often times not re-addressing these memories is recommended. From a spiritual perspective, it’s the exact opposite.

Acknowledging, accepting and transmuting these negative memories is the only way to “remove” their negative imprint on our energetic bodies. We can allow ourselves to confront these memories and choose to not have a fight or flight response to them, allowing ourselves to avoid rejecting these fractaled parts of ourselves as well as fostering the fear of confronting it. We can also allow ourselves to reframe these memories from fear to love, by for example having even an ounce of gratitude in order to change this experience from a negative vibrational one to a reasonably positive one. Although many negative experiences can’t magically turn into positive ones, simply having the perspective that you learned from these experiences works. Our entire intention in this lifetime is to learn, evolve and grow, which every experience, positive or not, fits into and therefore aids and assists in our evolution. Personally, I feel that much anxiety and depression is a physical manifestation and reaction to repressed negative experiences and trauma which we refuse to acknowledge and accept. As we start to ascend into 5D, much of these experiences come to the surface even from past lives in different dimensions. However that’s not always the case, and it can simply be a memory which quite frankly, you can’t even remember consciously from earlier in your life working against you. This is why meditation and reflection work is so important to continue to proactively assess your current vibrational state ad well as all these energetic experiences come to the surface. It’s all about openness and self awareness. It’s important to note that it’s not always the right time to re-address past experiences, but there should always be an intention to work toward this as a goal.

Another western approach to mental health which I find counter productive is the fixation on “fixing” certain things and aspects of our lives. Often times these are behaviors ingrained in us, as well as patterns or cycles we continue to experience. The physical-based logical reaction is that these “issues” (contingent on them actually being issues and not a skewed perception of our current society) should be addressed directly. But this is always incredibly challenging and in my opinion, hardly ever either lasts or addresses the issue entirely. So why is this the case? Most physical-based behaviors are manifestations or mental or spiritual root causes. So we obsess over “fixing” the physical manifestation of these issues, rather than addressing the root cause. So for example, you may continue to attract abusive partners. You set a goal that you will no longer attract abusive partners, but instead attempt to “correct” this issue by trying to comprehend and understand this issue from a one-dimensional perspective (which will likely provide no answers), or you will attempt to proactively address this behavior by only seeking out partners whom at the time you consider to be not abusive. Because our energetic bodies work through law of attraction, there is some type of block or fractal which addresses self-abuse, self-love and self-worth which is by proxy attracting these people. Which is what needs to be addressed vs. the physical manifestation of this issue. Deal with the issue at its root cause vs. fixating over the result. So addressing self-abuse will by proxy and and assist in proactively attracting non-abusive partners. Even something as simple as positive affirmations, treating yourself, feeling love and prioritizing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your energetic body will aid and assist in this process. It may seem irrelevant, but consider that our energetic bodies are inter-connected and act as “buoys”. When one area/aspect of your life improves, by proxy others do as well. As a rule of thumb, it’s helpful to consider the “overarching theme” of your issue vs. the physical-based issue itself. Sort of like literature/English class :).


20. Are Sinners Martys For The Spiritual Cause?


18. Automatic Writing