186. New Souls Vs. Old Souls
A “short list” of some of my most popular videos, “New Souls Vs. Old Souls”.
Upon posting, I had no idea it would get the reception that it did. In fact, I was shocked that anyone really cared. I felt that I posted many videos with information and explanations, but I suppose that this one really was an “easy” way to resonate with yourself and distinguish what “category” you’re in. Of course, we’re all part of the category of reincarnation, so I suppose that’s a moot point, but it’s fun to feel special and gain more insight and information regarding who you are, and why you are the way you are.
The primary physical distinction I noted between both categories was the gaze in the eyes and the general gist of the face. New souls had more “open” features, whether that be higher eyebrows, more open eyes, or just the sense of a “wider” expression. Old souls were more so the opposite, they had a piercing glare, typically a furrowed brow, and perhaps more of a deductive stare. Their face shape may be a bit more chiseled and sharper. While there are lots of nuances, the focus really is on the gaze. Newer souls seem to be “wide-eyed” and looking at the world as if it’s their first times. They’re more receptive. On the other hand, older souls are more deductive. They’ve been here before, and they look at things with more of a framed perception value. Sort of like they’re distilling anything and everything through their treasure trove of memories here on earth.
While of course it’s fun to “know”, and this is just my method of telling, there are lots of other ones as well. Even more mental/emotional ones, which I’ll get into in a bit. So what’s the point?
Newer souls are in essence, new to earth. This means that they may have the disposition fo someone who’s “new”. Perhaps they are more immature or child-like, they see things with a “wonder”. And older souls may be more opposite. It’s possible that they may be more pessimistic, or that they are calmer and slower. This also tends to reflect on our arcs in life. Newer souls may face more challenges and problems due to their development, and may have high highs and low lows. Older souls may have experienced much of what they need to, and therefore have “flatter” timelines. Perhaps slower compared to newer souls, who have faster timelines.
The main distinction I noted is that older souls are often here to do something which is “collective”. Sort of like a collage. They take what’s already here and been done to create something new. It’s primarily because they are using their past life wisdom and experience to do so. On the other hand, newer souls typically have more of an “original” purpose. They see thing with a fresh eye and may be more authentic with their approach.Typically, they do things which are relatively groundbreaking, while older souls are more “original”.
Now, of course you can live somewhere within both of these parties. And there are of course other factors, such as our karmic lessons as well as our birth and environmental factors which impact this.
I think that however you feel this information is relevant to you, is the case. You may not feel attracted to any of these explanations, or perhaps even the idea as a whole. However, I find that if you resonate with one party or another, it can help be validating as to why you are the way you are, or perhaps provide you some insight into the future. If you have wisdom from past lives, can you use that to your advantage? Can you be a jack of all trades? If you’re a newer souls, can you lean into your authenticity and create something entirely new? Consider how your strengths ladder to this idea.
From a higher level perspective, it’s not a good or a bad thing to be a newer or an older soul. Perhaps older souls have more of a home field advantage, but they may have also become inundated with negative energy and things to “purge” in this lifetime, which may make things quite challenging for them.
Everyone has their crosses to bear, and it’s just about again, leaning into these strengths to overcome it.
While many people considered my ideas to be “radical” in terms of face shape and its correlation to your attributes, it’s a very old concept. Face reading is a well known concept in Chinese medicine. And I think it can be up to everyone’s interpretation as to how that comes to life.
Don’t get too held up on the details, though. Psychic information changes over time, and it’s all about how you resonate with it and relate to it. Perhaps, you can create your “own” face reading material, whether you’re a new or an old soul. Old souls can bring thorough information and wisdom from the past, and new souls can channel the present now. Good luck :)