187. For An Accurate Intuitive Reading, Be Your Authentic Self
Although I’ve provided a lot of insight and feedback on how to have a great intuitive reading, there’s one thing which is a bit underrated, a bit pervasive, and also a bit abstract. This is why I don’t consider it to be a “hard-hitting” piece of advice. It’s more so something to keep in mind.
While no intuitive reading is perfect, and there are bound to be parts and pieces which do not resonate right away (also partially because they are meant to be future insights), but also because often times the client does not or cannot come to the realization or recognition that perhaps this information may be “truthful”. It’s a very hard/fine line. Not all readers including myself are translating information precisely or correctly. But I do find more often than not, the more sure of I am of information, the harder of a sell it is to the client. Particularly if it’s talking about deep, overarching concepts and themes. Sometimes it can be challenging or hard to take, as sometimes it’s the precise thing that the client is rejecting or avoiding.
I do often times find that some people are more superficial with their questions and asks. We often times simply want to be validated. While this is incredibly important, and intuitive readings should not offer advice which does not validate the client, there’s so much more that can be learned and gained. Often times the most critical readings are supposed to be the most insightful. While it can be painful, consider that accessing this pain may be the precise way to release it.
I think that sometimes we have wants and desires which we feel we do not deserve. Which are too out of reach. I’m here to tell you that if you believe it or imagine it, it’s for a reason. While not everything will manifest precisely as you man envision it, your hopes, goals and dreams can become a reality. And the more authentic you are in actualizing that you are here for this purpose and it’s what you deserve, the quicker it may manifest for you. The only asterisk is that, sometimes our hopes, dreams and desires exist to lead us to a certain place. We’re all inter-connected with our own fractals, as well as the collective at large. It can all be filed under, “it’s complicated”. But I’ll say this. We are capable of much more than we perceive.
When we dull down our shine, or we expect differently from ourselves, or do not want to come off too specific or aggressive, our results will vary. When we come as we are, share our fears, our own information, ourselves truly in our most vulnerable state, this is where the true energetic connection comes in. We aren’t projecting a fake aura of ourselves onto others and the reading itself. By doing so and avoiding being truthful, we can sometimes muddy the energy. While it is still “ours”, the results can be overwhelmingly validating and promising when we show up as “us”.
Honest conversations can get to the root cause of issues. They can uncover what, again, we’ve been avoiding. Now this isn’t to say that this process is easy. Often times we need help acknowledging these issues. This is often times why self reflection as well as interpersonal communication and new experiences come into play. It helps trigger what needs resolving. And depending on where we are in our journey, or how much we’ve been avoiding these topics, we may see or feel it more prominently than others.
Consider that intuitive readings can be one in a million. You never know what piece of advice you may receive. Ensure that you set the intention to receive any and all information for your highest good before purchasing or sharing info. Personally, I have found that I’ve received the most insightful advice from practically strangers or novice readers. You never know where insight may come from.
It’s really important to be proactive with your intentions. If you’re trying to find something out or figure something out, or really just align to your goals, keep practicing. It’s likely that one reading won’t solve this dissonance. And even if it does, you still need to do the energetic work to get there. Imagine that you’re in a 10 mile marathon. You must do the work to get there, and intuitive readings simply push you over the edge near the finish line. It’s just that little extra “oomph”.
Being honest with yourself gets honest and clear results. There’s simply no use showing up as someone other than you. But remember, it’s a process. When we have masks and “fake” our way through the world, we become quite used to it, and it can be hared to differentiate our authentic selves. So be patient.
While there’s lots of advice to resolve dissonances, be more authentic, align to your wants and desires, the best short-term advice is simply to be vulnerable. Ask the hard questions and prepare for the hard results. The more you push yourself to face your fears and be out of your comfort zone, the more you’ll get out of it. But hey, the most important part is just showing up. We all need some hand holding now and again :)