192. What Are Auras & How To Read Them


Auras are in essence, our energetic vibrations through the lens of a prism. When we are incarnated in this lifetime, our parts fractal, and we can “see” a bit of this breakdown. Essentially, whatever is particularly relevant to us in this lifetime. This “shows” through certain physical devices, but can also be seen or read intuitively. While there is certainly lots of room for interpretation, the colors and location can describe significant details of a person’s soul and their life. It’s important to note that these colors can change quite frequently, depending on what the particular person is channeling in terms of energy at that moment. Ideally, for this particular lifetime, it’s nice to have more vivid looking colors, and a somewhat balance of placements. It can be particularly illuminating to understand these details, as it shares more about our personalities, characteristics, as well as overarching concepts and themes rather than a point and place in time reading. It can certainly help yourself or others develop a stronger bond with their own selves and even give them insight into the future.

Everyone has their own unique method for reading auras, however I’ll share mine, as it does not involve any sort of “seeing” with your actual eyes. It’s more so out of mind’s eye, and still, barely. It’s really about a thought or a feeling related to a color. However, mine operates a little bit more differently than some others. I find that the placement of your aura colors tells a lot about you, as well as the color itself.

It’s important to note that these are not the “right” answers. You may use this as a jumping off point. But it’s incredibly important that before you read your own aura, or others, you consider how the colors and their location intuitively make sense. 

The location: 

Left side of the body is often times the “spiritual” side. It can have to do with divine feminine, but more so related to auras, it speaks to “other worldly” gifts. Ones which you’ve incarnated several times over to learn. It may feel more as a natural ability. It also has to do with more “abstract” gifts, such as communication or creativity. It’s less to do with the physical, as well as the day to day. Again, it’s more so a natural inclination.

Right side of the body is more physical, practical and tangible. It may be attributes or characteristics which you’re working through in this lifetime, whether that be positively or negatively. While left side of the body may be how people perceive you subconsciously, physical side is much more overt and conscious.

Top of the body/head area is, again, speaking to more spiritual or abstract attributes. It may be seen as your “higher powers”. This typically speaks to a soul level vibration, rather than a one-time physical vibration. It can also speak to higher level themes or things which you may strive to achieve in this lifetime.

Bottom of the body/head area can be more so related to present and now characteristics or concepts and themes. I find that often times people struggle with colors which are lower down in their aura. Perhaps, directionally, we’ve “mastered” the ones higher up. Since it does speak to physicality, it can often times be related to day to day activities, or your relationship with your daily tasks or routine. Again, these may be more overt and more so how you see yourself.

Since several of these do tend to overlap, it’s more so about pulling out the unique nuances for each location and how they interact with each other. Often times a color doesn’t necessarily fall squarely in one of these quadrants. There are no “bad” placements, necessarily, however I do like to see them a bit higher on the body in terms of an “awakened” sense of connection with them. 

In terms of distance, some colors “feel” closer or more farther away. Typically this means you’re being asked to examine these particular concepts and themes. I don’t find that it has a lot to do with past, present or future. Typically those are slightly different directions.

The colors:

*Noting that these are incredibly brief descriptions, from my own experience and perception value. It’s likely that more experienced readers have much more knowledge and breadth in regards to speaking about auras.

While you can certainly just read each and every color, I find that the hue and brightness has something to do with it. Particularly special colors, to me, show up with glistening silver stars. If a color appears beautiful, it looks vibrant or bright, it typically means that there’s a positive relationship to whatever it is expressing. Super light colors may indicate a lack of energy or thought/input. And deep/dark colors may indicate an excess of negative energetic debris related to that particular theme, or something that the person is struggling with.

Red is very visceral. It can speak to passion and motivation, but often times divine masculine as well. These people may be quite practical and good at physical tasks. They can be more so oriented with survival like tendencies, good or bad. They are often times passionate and of course, can be seen as aggressive as well. However there are both negative and positive aspects to “red”. How can one elevate these themes rather than making them their and others’ enemy.

Orange is interesting, because it does take on the passion or depth that red does, but more so in a divine feminine way. It’s more sensual and intimate, but not necessarily in a sexual way. More so in a tangible, appreciative and simplistic way. Sort of being one with others and the present moment. Often times those with orange in their auras are seen as adventurous, exciting, or even mesmerizing.

Yellow is very much child like wonder and spirit. These people are very bubbly and outgoing. Often times their purpose is related to sharing their gifts of charisma and personality with the world. They are often times natural born storytellers and bring “light” to otherwise dull or uninteresting situations.

Green is a really beautiful aura color. It can indicate that someone is going through a growth or healing period, or is a natural born healer. I do feel that these people have a lot of “heart” in terms of caring about others. They may have more mission-based work in this lifetime. I find that they are sociable and get along with people well.

Blue is an interesting color as it has much depth. I tend to feel that I always get a different answer out of “blue”. Perhaps it’s symbolic that the ocean is blue, considering its vastness and depth. While blue may indicate a calm or level headed person, it can also indicate balance. I do feel that bleu is a very creative color, particularly paired with musical ability. Based on observation, blue can turn challenging really quick. Since it is related to balance, those struggling with being overworked or multi-tasking may have a darker, less vibrant blue in their auras.

Purple is of course a very magical and spiritual color. Although it doesn’t always indicate psychic ability, it definitely could. It’s more so connection to oneself. It could also simply be a spiritual indication in general, such as someone aligned to a particular faith. However, I feel that people with purple in their aura have a sense of themselves in terms of a higher purpose. It’s likely that they have somewhat conscious or subconscious alignment regarding what they are supposed to be doing, whether it’s more abstract or specific. They may also possess magical or manifestation abilities.


Let’s try putting a few of these pieces together. Note that, again, these are loose definitions, and it’s really important to understand all of the elements in context with each other. The messages and information should “flow” together, not be small messages stacked on top of each other. That may just ultimately be quite confusing.

Say I’m reading someone who has orange in their aura. Perhaps it’s sort of in the “middle” of their upper body area. I would likely read this to be a mental/emotional, as well as a physical skill. If I read that it “feels” quite close to me, it may be something that they are being asked to address. To me, the orange may feel a bit muddy. Perhaps this person is going through a tough time regarding their passion and motivation in life. It feels closer to the left side of their body, which may mean that the way that they incorporate passion into their life is through communicating with others, or non-tangible creative offerings, such as a podcast, etc. 

Remember, practicing certainly helps. Developing your own “language” with colors, helps as well. It’s a journey!


193. The Importance Of Passed Lives, Densities & Dimensions


191. What Is The Afterlife Like?