191. What Is The Afterlife Like?
It’s hard to even know where to start this, but considering I’m going “ back to basics” in some respects, particularly for my YouTube channel, I figured it’s an important place to start.
The challenge with the “afterlife” is how incredibly expansive and vast it is. Not only that, but how essentially “anything” can exist or be created. Whatever we dream of can exist and be created, as in many dimensions, physical time and space is not a hindrance, or even a concept.
Many people have their own ideologies regarding what happens after they die. Realistically, none of them are wrong. I do truly believe that any and all religious idols exist. I’m not sure if it’s because we “created” them, or we just intuitively channeled them. Hard to say what came first… humans or religious idols.
And essentially whatever you want to happen after you die, can be it. We have ultimate manifestation ability.
Many people are convinced that a god will judge them after they pass. However, we truly are god ourselves. And as a result, we decide.
If you truly feel that nothing will happen to you after you die, and tat your consciousness ceases to exist, hypothetically, you can make that happen. You don’t have to exist after this lifetime, if you don’t want to. It’s really up to you.
Here are some interesting findings from channeling spirits and entities:
Multiple “earths” and dimensions exist, all on different timelines. It may seem strange that there are lots of “earths”, but it makes sense when you think about it. When we consider how many collective souls exist in this universe, earth is an incredibly specific, tangible experience. Not every single entity can exist here all at once. We must have multiple “copies” of this existence in order for souls to experience learning lessons throughout time. Think about it. The rise and age of technology only happened once here on earth. It’s likely that this, among other experiences, must be lived out through multiple people and through multiple points and places in time. It’s about having more expansion and access to the “masses” of souls.
This is often times why I channel past lives, and many lives feel “similar” yet different. It’s almost like your dream state. It feels similar, but often times different. It’s likely that dreams are somewhat mirroring your past lives.
On that topic, “past” lives I suppose aren’t really a concept, however since we do think linearly, it just makes more sense to us for them to be that way. But realistically, they can be parallel or future, as time doesn’t really exist on the other time. We could also hypothetically talk about what the meaning of time is. For us, time “started” at the inception of earth, or perhaps the inception fo the universe. But time is only relevant to us and our perception value. It helps guide us where we need to go and what we need to do. However, there are more impactful or different “markers” of time in different dimensions. It just depends on the source or the root point.
But anyway, the point is, with multiple different options/opportunities, “universes”, etc. anything can truly happen. I think that parts of us want there to be a specific “answer”. Guidance. Something we can ourselves answer to. Live our lives by. But the truth is, you can do quite practically anything and everything.
In terms of more astute observations, I consider entities or souls to have multiple levels of “evolution” so to speak. The closer in time that a person has passed here on earth, the more likely they are to reflect themselves as a human. In other words, they tend to “talk” like us, they tend to act like us, and it’s more conversational. However, “higher level” entities rarely communicate. They just “are” they may present themselves as abstract shapes and concepts. Really only working with space and time to “explain” themselves. It can be very abstract but simultaneously very nuanced.
I suppose that is one learning from the universe. Often times we have our lives reflected when we do transition to the other side. Our skills and confidences do span time. You can certainly have a “house”, a “job”, and even a “car” on the other side. It just exists in a different space. But you can also not have any of that, and live as a roaming ball of energy. It’s quite frankly, up to you.
I do believe the reason why we tend to continue our lives similarly on the other side, is because our learning lessons aren’t entirely up. Often times we are karmically tied to people who live here on earth, and we tend to watch over our friends, family and loved ones. Bonds are truly never broken. And through law of likeness or law of attraction, we tend to “bond” with other like-minded people. Or people we have contracts with. In addition, reincarnation is totally possible.
There’s a lot fo anxiety about “rules” in terms of reincarnating, what you need to be doing on the other side. But the truth is, while there are trends, patterns and habits, the only rules are that you are only limited by your wants, feelings and desires.
Additionally, kind of the dynamics of whatever point and place you’re in. In other words, I cannot defy the laws of physics substantially here on earth, for example. And I likely would not be able to “feel” precisely that I am on earth in a different dimension, unlike it. This is why we tend to put ourselves through these experiences. They are unique.
Every person has their own reasons and intentions for incarnating in this lifetime. Typically they have to do with growth and healing for ourselves, as well as what we can provide to others, as well as the collective at large. And this truly differs. As well as differing with our intrinsic values and motivations. I do truly believe that everything is intentional, and everything happens for a reason.
This is also my motivation for believing in an afterlife, even if I was not intuitive. All energy has intention. It has direction and motivation, even if it’s being limited by outside forces.
The growth and evolution journey is almost always certain. It’s interesting because although we can certainly transition our lives into pain, suffering and misery, we do become wiser over time. And in that sense, we allow ourselves to remove this toxicity and negative energy. I do truly believe that those who are closer to enlightenment may struggle with many, many hardships and challenges. And eventually learn and understand how to discern and transmute this energy.
What I can say is this. Through my own personal journey, there has been a lot of experiences which have “proved” to me that there is more than what meets the eye, and there’s more than what can be explained. I do feel that on a subconscious level, we are aware of a collective consciousness, and the understanding that our energy can exist beyond ourselves. When we take ourselves out of such a rigid physical ideology and structure, we allow for more thought and creativity to happen. I do feel that this is where enlightenment occurs, as well as forward motion, motivation and the creation of things which are entirely new and unique.
My advice is no to stress out about the after life. You are the manifestor of your own destiny. I think that can be a little bit scary for some people, but it shouldn’t be! I would say that if this stresses you out, perhaps there may be some things that you are hiding from. Some things that you don’t want to know about the deepest and truest parts of yourself.