20. Are Sinners Martys For The Spiritual Cause?
I’ve seen some videos circulating regarding being high-vibrational and therefore ultimately “spiritual”. I thought this was an interesting concept so I’d like to deconstruct it.
The argument is that how some may perceive sin, for example sex, drugs, rock and roll, etc. are not high vibrational activities and therefore are not inherently spiritual. *Not of course talking about morally reprehensible or major sin such as deliberately inflicting pain onto others.* I feel this can be debated as what makes us high vibrational seriously depends on our current state at the time as well as our intention for incarnating. Remember that everyone’s is different, so to pass judgment on others is to live solely through the eyes of your own perception value and therefore be moving in a hamster wheel of your own thoughts, and dismissing the impact vastness of consciousness. But for the sake of an even greater argument, let’s say for example this is correct and truthful for all of consciousness. That how we perceive “negative” behaviors are low vibrational and therefore not aligned to “source” and ultimate peace, love, happiness, etc.
My question is- does it matter? Let’s bring this back to why we incarnate in this lifetime. We deliberately set ourselves up for a life of sin. We choose to incarnate in order to live through the human experience: the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s our intention to go through pain and proactively transmute it in order to learn, evolve and grow. So why would it be helpful to reject our “winning” tendencies and not live through it? Or worse, pass judgment on others. By rejecting our worst parts of ourselves, we cannot transmute it. It simply exists within us and works against our favor through law of attraction. Rejection, shame, dismissal and non-confrontation of negative experiences, feelings, thoughts and emotions arrests the development of consciousness. Furthermore it’s our job to help others transmute their pain as we are all connected as one. Bragging about your ability to transmute your own pain is like bragging about your success alone on an island. It’s relevant to you, but no one else. Allowing yourself to come face to face with fear and pain, and on behalf of others, truly makes you good-like.
Let’s go into this further. Consider why channels, psychics and mediums exist. Consider why some of the most prolific healers contain such wisdom and help others transmute their pain. Because they share their perception value. They have either lived through a similar experience in this lifetime, or others. They have chosen to live through pain in order to learn, evolve and grow. And this by proxy helps the collective through relatability and a shared perception value. Consider who you trust in this world, consider who helps you. Consider who you confide in to be your authentic self. It’s those who share an experience with you. They are the true healers, and they have gone through that pain. When we experience “everything” and transmute everything, we’ve integrated all of our parts and become “whole”, AKA we have returned to our god-like state. We deliberately incarnate to go through pain to help ourselves and others learn, evolve and grow. We put ourselves at risk for the spiritual cause. Those who make mistakes, put themselves in the face of fear and danger, those who “sin” are not leas than. In fact, they are likely greater than. Not to you, as a person in this lifetime passing judgment, but in the grand scheme of humanity, the galaxy and consciousness as it connects every living thing. Be kind to others because if you can’t relate, you ultimately will in another lifetime.