201. The Importance Of Geolocation Energy
Something I talk about quite often is “geolocation energy”. This is in essence, the energy of a certain area.
Now, I feel there may be multiple factors which contribute to geolocation energy. However, one of them simply is… the location. I’m sure that you may have heard of particularly “spiritual” sites on earth. Likewise, each area has its own unique characteristics geographically. Some places are at higher elevation, some lower. Some are more mountainous, deserted, lush, cold, hot, etc. These are all great descriptors fo what the energy is naturally like. I’m sure that you can recognize when you travel, you feel different in certain areas/places.
If we imagine that our earth is a “whole”, as it exists in its own timeline, it’s own area in space and time. Every single aspect or area of the earth must equal up to this “whole”. Kind of like how our entire ecosystem works. Nature and weather is a delicate balance of theoretical “perfection”. This perfection is ensuring that the world keeps spinning, things keep living, and things are running relatively as usual. Each and every area must be distinct in its characteristics, or as I call it, its energetic resonance. The nuances make everything “one”, and allows everything to work together. If all geographic areas held the same energy, there would be no diversity, no personality or character.
Now, it is true that there are a lot of factors which may contribute to the energy of a certain area. It could be what’s made there, the natural resources, the people who have lived (or died) there. It could be the industries, the area’s intention as a whole, etc. So many possibilities. However, I do find that certain people are attracted to certain areas because of the energy. If an area has particularly vibrant energy, it’s likely a “hub” where lots of people want to live. We can assume for example, in the United States, these areas could be New York or California. There’s something about the energy in these areas which “calls” people. Its uniqueness is imprinted on our minds, on history, and even throughout entertainment. There’s just “something” there.
Now, we can argue that this may be a chicken or the egg scenario. Was it simply just “open” energetic resonance which drew in people? Did people simply “make” all this energy? I’m not sure. But it may be a mix of both. Regardless, all conscious energy can impact a certain area. And on top of that, it can evolve.
It’s not a surprise that energy changes and evolves. I’m sure that when we go back to our home town, things feel somewhat different. Now as the collective is moving and evolving faster than ever, you may visit a location and come back a few years later to find it “feels” totally different. Things do change.
However, this description isn’t simply just for fun and interest. It’s incredibly important to our evolution as individuals.
We absolutely “gain” energy from the places that we live. Yes, it can partially be our home and the precise area, but the community as well. Again, we “feel” better in certain places rather than others. If possible, one of the best things that we can do fo r ourselves is live in a place which is energetically therapeutic and healing. We have to feel good there.
Otherwise, areas can certainly drain us of our energy. Matching ourselves to the right geolocation energy is like getting a “boost” or a “leg up”. It’s super simple and affects us a lot. Since it is a bit nuanced, it’s hard to say exactly how this works, but imagine it like this. You go to a party where you jive with everyone. It’s at a location which you love, and everything fits and “feels right”. You’re likely to not only have a good time, but feel good about yourself. Now, if it’s an environment which makes you feel weird, scared or unsafe, you’re going to be totally exhausted, distracted and uncomfortable. You may not really want to do anything. Versus the other place where you would feel like your best self, and perhaps want to try new things or create, etc. And in this new scenario you may even be around people who you don’t like. It can be a very dismal, not motivating feeling.
Consider areas overall where you feel like your best self. It’s super important to continue to travel to gain a larger perspective. I also find that this is one of the huge perks of the internet and social media. You can “be” somewhere, without actually being there. You can be educated without having to do the trouble fo traveling, after all.
I do also love the idea of considering what your geolocation area has to offer. Consider that the type of food which grows in a region, the type of climate, the type of goods being produced, etc. may indicate elements or aspects of your own energetic signature (if you align to it). Immersing yourself in geolocation energy can be a great way to connect to your environment. Likewise, it can be a great way to realize that you are’t a match for it.
But this consistent travel and putting yourself out of your comfort zone is so important. We can become totally consumed with our current geolocation area, and feel like it’s part of us. But it’s not. We have just acclimated to some degree. And since we are changing constantly, we often times grow out of our current space and state. This is why I find it so important for people to have the ability to move as they please.
While I acknowledge it’s not always practical and possible, all that I ask is you consider the importance of geolocation energy as a whole. It can be challenging to “fit” somewhere. In fact, you may be someone that feels like you don’t have a home location wise. But I can tell you this. There are certainly areas which you are a non-fit. I’m sure that you are already doing great. Set the intention to find your fit, if you haven’t already done so. Whatever you do, just don’t take it for granted!