202. Reframe Your Reality For Productivity
There’s lots of productivity hacks out there. Some with bursts of time, others with organization. But there’s not many which aim to shift or reframe your perspective.
While it’s true that physical tips and tricks can absolutely help, what if you’re just feeling totally unmotivated? There’s not much organization-wise to help with that.
While productivity and procrastination are sort of all-encompassing issues (in other words, I don’t feel they have a small, or just one root cause), I do feel that smaller “hacks” can help you achieve what you need to in the present moment.
In my opinion, the biggest issue with productivity is living too much in the matrix. In other words, living too much in the present moment in your own perception value. Now, being in the present is certainly a good thing. But what’s challenging is when you don’t like the present moment. How do you have the motivation to change or shift your reality when you’re depressed, or you feel there’s no light at the end of the tunnel?
We are pretty consistently in loops when we’re not feeling ourselves, in other words, we’re relatively on auto-pilot, or allowing the matrix, or other people, places or things run our lives for us. This can be somewhat of a comfortable but simultaneously uncomfortable position. Kind of like if your hand is on a very low stove. You become so accustomed to it that taking your hand off and dealing with the damage may be more of a burden than simply just leaving it on. Comfortable, yet uncomfortable.
There really need to be a “rewrite” of your mental and emotional state in order to change your physical state. After all, we lead with all our actions through intention. So it’s about time we fine tune these intentions. Simply having to get it done, might not be enough.
When we’re feeling low and hopeless, again, it can be hard to do things. So how can we hack this scenario?
I try to “pretend” that I’m the best version fo myself. Sometimes, however, we don’t totally know what this looks like, so you can really channel anything and everything. Say for example if you’re struggling with the person you want to be, you look up to or idolize a certain entertainer, musician, actor, business person, etc. What if you channeled their energy right now? What would they be doing? How would they feel? And how would they act?
You may feel unproductive living as yourself because there’s no “vision”. But what if you channel the vision of something or someone that already exists?
Now, it’s pretty obvious that there are going to be some differences between you and the CEO of a company, if you’re not already. However, we can deduce some of their patterns into overarching concepts and themes. Perhaps there’s a certain time they wake up, a certain type of food they eat. Maybe they limit the amount of screen time, or work a certain number of hours. Perhaps their actions and behaviors are quite different from yours, and although may be difficult to achieve precisely, can be replicated in some way.
And there’s no end to this hack. You can channel someone for everything you need to get done. Maybe a scholar for your education, a fitness coach for your workout. I know it sounds kind of weird and silly, but I find that it works. You’re simply projecting out your energy and connecting to something else which is “real”. Every time I do this, I feel totally motivated and inspired. Almost like I have a new lease on life, and things just “look” differently.
It can be really hard to be inspired by your current surroundings if you don’t align to them. So consider what it’s like to live and be like someone else.
I can already tell that this might be somewhat controversial. Shouldn’t you always feel like yourself? Why are you striving to be someone else? It’s not that you want to take on this person’s identity forthright, you want to channel their energy to improve your own life. I eel there’s a pretty stark difference.
With that said, it may be important to ground yourself or have a specific intention before you go into this process. That will likely make it the most successful, anyway.
See if this hack works for you. Play around with it. What feels best, and what doesn’t? Sometimes we need a little bit of imagination and encouragement in order to help achieve our dreams. All humans are able to channel to some degree. So why not use spirituality as an aid or assist?