210. Why Perception Value Is Everything
One of my biggest buzzwords is “perception value”. But what actually is it, and how do we use it?
I consider a perception value to simply be a way of looking at things, at the world. Each and every person has an incredibly unique perception value. This “mix” of things can be biologically, environmentally. Perhaps even astrologically. But it’s also molded by the experiences that we’ve had in this lifetime.
I never thought too much about perception values, until I started channeling. That’s when I realized how unique they were. It’s like looking through a completely different lens. I “felt” truly different seeing the world through other people. And it was so different, that I was honestly shocked that people even got along at all. It’s hard to explain and describe, but it’s similar to looking at a painting. There can be a million different interpretations of it. And imagine that we are all doing this, at every single second, with everything. Some people prioritize certain things over others. Some people “see” things others don’t. Some people even perceive time differently. Or see colors differently. It’s wild.
All of these elements together create your “perception value”. While it’s true that our mood changes, it’s pretty unlikely that we wake up one day and “see” things completely differently. There are certainly ways for us to change our perception value on a fundamental level. Perhaps you experienced a major life event, particularly a trauma. Maybe you’ve done a mind-altering substance. Maybe you’ve connected with your higher self for the first time.
But otherwise, besides some fluctuations, your perception value is relatively the same.
So why is this important? If your perception value is an amalgamation of anything and everything you’ve experienced, this can either be a good thing, or perhaps even a bad thing. If you’re someone who’s experienced a lot fo negative energy and traumas, you may see the world a bit grayer. Perhaps you’re more avoidant of your triggers, or things which as reminiscent of your fears. I think it’s clear by simply existing that some people are more hopeful and optimistic than others. Our outlooks on life often times directly or indirectly drive our decisions. How you’re feeling today or seeing the world today may indicate what your behaviors are, or what you want to do. Someone who “sees” the world as a terrible place may end up sitting in bed all day. Someone who “sees” it as a playground may be out and about in nature and having fun. Perception takes this up a level and is not just about seeing, but how we digest this information as well. When someone sees a certain event take place, perhaps even in their life, they have the opportunity to do lots of things with it. To make lots of different decisions as a result of whatever energetic force/situation/event or experience which has taken place. This decision may be more complicated than we think. While we would perceive us doing something totally different, and we may not even remotely understand another person’s decision making or logic, they are digesting or perceiving based on all of the different factors mentioned above; their unique biology, environment, experiences, etc.
What I will say about perception values is this. Perception values are generally “learned”. I would argue that our perception value is very much molded by our physical reality. Kind of in the same way that when we reach a heightened awareness state, we see things more “big picture”. We understand what true reality is, outside the confines of our earthly dimension. I would say in this sense, we would all share a singular “collective conscious” perception value. It’s simply our fractaled state of being, and our conscious awareness of our physical reality which separates us.
It’s kind of an interesting point if you think about it. Would we all be more so aligned as a collective unit if we embraced our spirituality, tapped into collective consciousness, and avoided any distractions or false realities which are presented to us? How can we get ourselves out of our own perception value, or out of the matrix in order to come together as people? It’s an important topic in our increasingly fractaled and dichotomous society.
One of the most important aspects of knowing about perception values is not only knowing its definition and importance, but how to shift it and change it. We can unanimously understand that if we are moving through our lives with a singular perception value, at times, it would be wise and likely to our benefit to flow and change it. Yes, the consistency and a looped set of behaviors can certainly lead to success, but at some point in time, we must all adapt and change. If we are finding ourselves in consistent failure, an adjustment may be required for success. In my next blog post, I’ll share how to shift your perception value.