209. Deconstructing Fear Mongering
The proper definition of fear mongering somewhat ranges the gamut. In some ways, the theoretical definition would be in any way shape or form to insight fear onto others. Others may feel that there must be a particular intent due to control or manipulation. Is fear mongering still fear mongering without intention? What if someone does not feel fearful about a topic, but others may? Who’s responsibility is it to stop the loop of fear mongering? And can we break it overall?
I consider there two be two different “overarching umbrellas” of fear mongering. One being straight up lying. In other words, you make a conscious decision to outright lie based on a certain topic or subject. While it’s true that I feel the truth is lucid, this is simply a blatant attempt to misinform the public, for whatever reason. The other category is simply regurgitation without resonation, validation or truth. In this case scenario, you may hear or observe information from a particular source. And rather than validate this information yourself through additional research, context or information, you simply decide to continue to put it out there into the ethers. Both ways are irresponsible, however often times we “feel” that we are doing good in category two by simply sharing information. However, it is up to us to be responsible for the information that we attain. An underrated consideration here is simply intuition. While it’s true that there’s practice in maintaining impulse and not simply sharing to share, how do you feel about this particular information? Is it important to express it? How will it be taken in by the general collective? Or perhaps simply the people that follow you? Consider that it is important to curate your expression, but not to censor yourself. This can ultimately be a fine line, and it’s incredibly important to filter everything through your own intuition. While aligning to your intuition is often times a life-long journey, if this information makes your body feel more “open” and your mental/emotional space feel more “free”, you’re likely on the right track. You may need to release some old, negative or stagnant energy to become a clearer channel, but there’s always a time and place to start.
Let’s consider the two different “overarching umbrellas” of fear mongering. One may be projecting your fears onto others due to insecurity. This is often times where the “knee jerk” reaction comes from. You see something which is triggering, and you must express it outward. You may be in a place where it’s challenging to fully retain or digest information. Perhaps you have a level of anxious energy, or you feel you simply can’t take it on energetically. Perhaps you’re frustrated or angry with the information, and you’re looking for a sense of camaraderie or empathy. There’s also a less “desired” intention for fear mongering which is the blatant desire to insight violence, confusion or control onto/over the collective. This intention is much more manipulative, and goes hand in hand with brainwashing. It’s my opinion, a popular choice with cults or other negative spiritual/religious organizations. While these organizations often times lure you in with the promise of answering your problems, in order for you to stay, there needs to be an unequal energetic exchange where you feel you “can’t” leave, because “bad things” will happen to you directly or indirectly if you do. It’s more comfortable and safe to stay in the current situation than venture outward. While this may spark images of a very dramatic situation, it doesn’t have to be so. You can do this on a 1:1 personal level, and manipulation can be for any type of means, not necessarily controlling individual people. It can also be for controlling an image or a reputation as well.
I do want to clarify that some information which is controversial and may be perceived to be fear mongering, may not be fear mongering at all. Just because information is controversial, or potentially fearful or triggering to you, does not necessarily mean it falls into this category. Critical or controversial information is often times necessary to be produced in order to shift, evolve or change the perception of the collective. And anyone and everyone has the right to do this due to free speech. If you are particularly sensitive to topic, you may feel particularly triggered, while others do not. Since everyone has such a unique perception value, the disseminator of information may have absolutely no issue with it. Theoretically, the concept of fear mongering is only valid at a certain point or place in time. How collectively sensitive or desensitized is the collective? It’s quite interesting to determine which topics/issues are hot button in comparison to others.
I would argue that fear mongering is absolutely not just the responsibility of the disseminator of information. First of all, in order to go through a trial and error phase, it’s likely that we will all “mess up” or unintentionally trigger others, in order to continue to evolve the collective. On top of that, we need to make sure that as people, we are proactively releasing old, negative or stagnant energy in order to not be as triggered. Hypothetically, the collective could be so triggered that we unintentionally censor any sort of new, updated or controversial information or ideals. We must be responsible for knowing and understanding what information we choose to digest, and be sure to allow this process to occur without an over exaggerated emotional reaction attached to it which may unintentionally impact others.
How can we discern information moving forward? There are two questions you can ask yourself: Is this source validated and trusted? For example, does this source has reviews? Are they considered an expert in their field amongst the collective and their peers? What are they accredited with, whether official or unofficial? I think that it’s relatively obvious who has “credibility” and who does not, however it is certain that some align with those who do not have any credentials whatsoever, simply because they agree with them. I suppose in some way shape or form, I would qualify for that category, so perhaps I have no reason to complain :). The next question is if YOU resonate with this information? I recognize this can be a fine line, as people can refuse to believe in information with the collective as a whole has regarded to being “truthful”, but even experts can disagree. At the end of the day, there’s so much information, that you have to ultimately be the discerner of what is best for you, and what information you choose to move forward with. I personally believe that collective consciousness would be more aligned to “truth” if we would be more proactive with releasing our negative energy. There’s a lot of fears in terms of moving forward and aligning which go unaddressed by many. The collective as a whole can be much more aligned to at least what is priority moving forward, even if we disagree on how to get there.
So what do you do if you realize you are continually getting triggered by information? Probably the first place to start is to recognize how much time and energy you are spending on receiving information. It’s of course important to be in the know, but if you don’t allow yourself to sit with and reflect on information, it may ultimately be useless. You will be so confused, perhaps the information coming through to you will be useless, as you will not know how to move forward with it. As always, aligning to your own intuition, being confident with it, and having your own “voice” is particularly important. In terms of having your own voice, you are able to speak up and on behalf of what you believe in, and you won’t have to consistently look out for “sources” which speak for you or validate your own beliefs. When we are not confident with ourselves, we are really susceptible for a lot of toxicity, abuse, and even brainwashing. It’s incredibly important to be a discerning filter, so that you are not perpetuating misinformation and negative information. You do not want to be projecting this out into the universe, as you are ultimately part of a larger problem.
Fear mongering is a tricky subject, and one that can be dissected and discerned. Within this fine line, I truly believe that it’s the responsibility of both the source as well as the recipient to break the loop of fear mongering. I do believe it’s possible to ultimately eradicate the concept if we continue to evolve on track as a collective. We will intuitively know what information is best, what to look out for, and who to listen to. And ultimately, and hopefully, this will make the world a much more aligned and peaceful place.