212. How To Prevent A Civil War


In the midst of somewhat of a psychic phenomenon where certain people are predicting a “civil war” scenario (whether that’s a “real” civil war, or something like it), it got me wondering… how do we prevent a civil war? Are we doomed to execute this fate, or can we do something to prevent it?

I suppose you may already know the answer to that question if you follow my guidance/advice that practically everything which is a “physical manifestation”, or in other words, what exists here in the physical world can be modified or changed. I don’t feel that there’s any specific physical destiny which can be accounted for. Of course, there are some known “truths”, for example, everyone alive will someday die, but I feel that the manner in which isn’t written in stone. So conceptually, an energetic event may take place, but I feel that the precise manner in which it happens, is up to us to decide. After all, we are consistently working with free will.

But how can one, or even a collective possibly prevent civil war? The most obvious point would be to decrease rising tensions, but how do we do that? I think that as people we have the fallacy that political issues are in fact the only cause of civil war. However, I strongly don’t believe that’s true. I think it’s people issues, or in other words, the issues that people have with themselves which ultimately becomes directed at the opposition. Often times we are fractaled in “dichotomy”, or in other words, in “two’s”, so it becomes easier to understand who specifically the opposition is. They are essentially a mirror of ourselves. But I do truly believe that we have more power than we think. Here is how I would recommend we would approach a civil or dichotomy war scenario from an individual as well as a collective perspective:

1 . Acknowledge and accept dichotomy for what it is. So what actually is dichotomy? It’s essentially dual or opposing factors. It’s “two”. This isn’t necessarily a physical idea, but more so a conceptual idea. For example, there’s light and dark, man and woman, often times two political parties, night and day, right and wrong, etc. Right and wrong will become more of a subject matter as we continue through this post. In order for us to acknowledge that both “sides” are needed in dichotomy, we must have the belief that we are all part of one consciousness. After all, we ultimately all likely inhabit elements of the other. As much as dichotomy is a split, some things do runneth over. There’s an acceptance not only in the idea of dichotomy, but also the idea that it’s meant to be. And we should accept our “other side”, as we are indirectly a part of it.

2. Acknowledging the concept of our own negative energy, and what to do with it. All of us inhabit some form of negative energy. The problem is when we hold onto, or reject/repress this energy. It somewhat becomes a part of us. But instead of it living dormant, it becomes sort of this prism in which we see the world. In which we digest information, as well as regurgitate it back out. And as a result, it can often times be in a negative way. So the more that we harbor these “prisms”, the more negative information we are spewing back into the world. Not only that, but the more likely that we will have a problem with other people, as well as our “other half”. When we are free of problems, as a result, we often times believe that our opponent isn’t causing problems. However, if we feel out of control with our life, and feel bombarded or treated unfairly by the world, we often times will blame our opponent. There are tons of ways that this can play out, and lots of nuances, but the general list is that we treat others the way we treat ourselves. Therefore, if we treat ourselves well, we eliminate a greater possibility for a civil war to start.

3. Reconciling differences. Practically anything and everything can be reconciled. There should never be a need or want to “eliminate” anything. With that said, it is important to recognize that there are boundaries with morally reprehensible behavior. We shouldn’t just “allow” anything and everything, but we must accept it. Particularly people’s ideas, thoughts and emotions. The more that we reject it, the more that this energy becomes harbored, and then prompt 2 plays out indefinitely. We must have hope and optimism in the future that things can be reconciled. Everything exists for a reason, and it’s up to us to do this type of work. We can certainly build a better future together, and not alone.

4. Intention setting. If we truly believe that we cannot build a better future or reconcile these differences, it likely will not happen. If our mind is made up that there’s no other option, then what other option would there be? I feel that often times we underestimate the power of intention setting and manifestation. But if we can see a clear vision in the future, we can work towards it.

5. Deducing overarching concepts and themes. In a civil war scenario, the concept is that both opposing sides or forces cannot exist at the same time. One must win, must control or rule. However, this is in fact a fallacy. “Destroying” or not allowing the other side to exist is not what we are intended to do here in this lifetime. We are intended to resolve our differences. But enough pressure build sup and silo’d perception values convince us into thinking that our way is the only way. We can allow space and opportunity for the other side to exist. It’s important overall to not fall into this trap.

6. Reduce arrogance and ignorance that you’re right. Much of our ego determines what is right and wrong. We cannot control other people. We cannot dictate what they care about, and what they can do. There are of course exceptions to this if they are proactively hurting or harming others. But this must be an absolutely true sentiment and acknowledgement of all consenting parties. Consider that what is right now, may not be right tomorrow. Right and wrong is in fact a fallacy also, as it changes second by second, minute by minute. Believing and feeling that there is only right and only wrong and no grey area ultimately feeds into this dichotomy loop.

7. Reduce rising tensions on both sides. There needs to be an effective outlet for anger, besides blaming the other sides. People really need to get in touch with their own personal transmission of energy. There are lots of ways to do this but high level it’s “being your best self”. Work on raising your vibration through self-care. That is whatever you personally need. Determine your fears and begin conquering them. Deduce the overarching themes that you’re struggling with. Seek out more positive experiences and opportunities related to them. Just be… a good person!

8. Always remember that our external reality is a reflection of ourself. Whoever we are, whatever we embody, and whatever we want to achieve is up to us. By healing ourselves first, we heal our reality. We cannot expect the world to change, if we cannot with it. We would theoretically place expectations on the greater collective without even living up to it, if that makes sense. One person can destroy the world, and one person can also save it or change it.


213. How I Transition People As A Medium


211. How To Shift Your Perception Value