213. How I Transition People As A Medium
Before I became intuitive, I would watch ghost shows and hear about people “transitioning” people. It felt like such a process. Something I would simply never be able to do, because I didn’t know how to do it. To my surprise, transitioning people was one fo the most knee-jerk reaction type of experiences I’ve ever had. I just “knew” what to do, almost as if I was somehow a mother and the transition was my child. It just “happened” without my control. In a way, i felt like an on-looker of sorts. Maybe I wasn’t in fact controlling it, or perhaps I was using information from deep in my subconscious or from past lives to know how to do it. Either way, there was no struggle, to my surprise. So what happened, and how did I “know” what to do?
I believe the first time I experienced this, I was at my home on Long Island. Where I grew up. I had picked up on spirits before, so this wasn’t entirely a shock. I noticed there was a young girl who was sort of wandering around, seemingly needing somewhere to go. I think that the initial reaction was shock, as well as guilt. That this spirit might have been here for quite a while without anyone helping her.
I do acknowledge this weird dichotomy with spirits being “okay” on the other side, but part of their energies still here trapped on earth. I do wonder if simply part of our fractal is left here on earth in traumatic circumstances. As I do feel that we all have the option to move on and pass. So perhaps it’s just a small part of our oversoul which remains here. And our “true” soul moves forward. However, I imagine I don’t know the true process and may never know until I pass or gain additional enlightenment. Regardless, I certainly know what I’ve experienced, both with spirits being “okay” when they pass, and some of their likeness or energies still being on “loop” here in the physical world.
I felt that perhaps this spirit needed help passing, so I felt the instinct to put out my left hand. From my hand, this sort of swirling tube came out of it. While it seemed small as it fit in my hand, it was in fact quite larger. It seemed like a circular gate or portal, with lots of blue rings moving around it. It was almost a very crisp, light blue color. As I held this out, I felt it was some kind of a portal. And then came the challenge of coaxing her to go into it. I think it may sound strange to say that I didn’t consciously knew where it went. But I think the deeper part of me knew that i was to a higher level dimension with more information, options and love. But there was no name for it. Maybe even no idea of it. It was incredibly ambiguous, but at least… it was better.
After going through this process a few times with different souls in different points and places in time, I noticed that it was somewhat easier or harder to get them to transition. When they understood that on the other side there was much love for them, they always decided to go.
It felt like an immense honor and privilege to help spirits which were/are in need. I don’t come across spirits needing help, too much. It’s typically when I stay in a new place. So perhaps they are beholden to certain areas or environments. I’m not entirely sure, though. I suppose this is an area I can investigate more in depth. But just some interesting thoughts.
I would likely not recommend this process if you cannot visualize or “feel” this portal. If it doesn’t come naturally to you, I would say to stay away. But if you feel called to as an intuitive in the future, consider it. There may be a unique process for you, in order for you to transition spirits. Consider also the concept of “transitions”. Are there ways for you to help the living transition? This could be an interesting calling for you in this lifetime. Just something to keep in mind which ladders under a similar overarching concepts and theme.