222. Why Does Good Typically Win?
Everyone’s familiar with the concept, right?
In every superhero movie there’s a story. Typically it starts with a description of the protagonist. Then either a description or a forced attention paid to the antagonist. Some sort of a cataclysmic event happens, and the protagonist comes to “save the world”. They duel it out, but eventually, the good guy always wins. Is this true in life, and how so?
As people wrapped up in our own egos, we often times feel that we’re facing the world the hardest. That the bad guys always win, and maybe they do. But the good news is… it’s relative.
How is it relative if the bad people never get their karma? In all of the ways that we’re not aware of. I’m not even talking about just in this lifetime. I’ve talked a lot about past lives and “cycling of behaviors”. In other words, whatever exists currently in the universe must have a dichotomy “pair”. So if you’re a bad person in this lifetime, you have an equally good person and vice versa. And whatever behaviors you inflict onto others, will be inflicted back onto you. We hope that this happens quicker than not so we’re forced to face these issues and rectify in this lifetime. But sometimes, that doesn’t happen. I wish those well on their next incarnations…
So whether or not good wins in this lifetime may be somewhat subjective. I do also want to point out that it’s easy for us to think and understand that people are living “perfect” lives, whom we appear to be evil. However, we really do not know the true nature of their energetic equivalence. Note that in order to have. clear path for success, individuals need to maintain this equilibrium. In other words, their energetic value input (what others do for them) must equal their energetic value output (what they do for others). However, they may be doing things for others which we may perceive as “wrong” or “bad”, because we have a limited perception or idea of what “good” is in this lifetime. Perhaps they’re sparking controversy. Nevertheless, they are doing something worthwhile, if they retain their success. But as we know, sometimes success is short lived. And we just haven’t made it to that point yet.
I think that this is an incredibly difficult question to answer, because we have such limited knowledge of what “good” is. We only understand good as success in this lifetime. But what if it’s actually not good. What if we are truly evil, terrible human beings, and our successes are only prolonging our suffering, and the suffering of others? Although I don’t truly believe that, it’s still a valid perspective. Because we don’t truly know the meaning or value of life, and in fact, it may just be relative.
For the sake of this post, let’s align on a meaning. We can assume that anything “good” is embodying the following characteristics: care of self and others, open-mindedness of self and others, protection of self and others and validation fo self and others. There are certainly many more, but this is just a start. Essentially, sending out positive vibes into the universe and “doing good”. As we know, often times in these superhero movies, the antagonist is usually creating mass chaos, potentially hurting or killing people, or even recruiting others to do the work for them. It’s essentially, lack of peace.
Lack of peace is such an interesting topic for so many reasons. We are complex human beings. We all, in my opinion, generally want to find a level of peace, but we have difficulty getting there. We have difficulty letting go of old, negative or stagnant energy. There’s something to be said about “bad” or “evil” acts which can actually help to trigger and heal the collective. Our path to healing isn’t linear. And without cause and effect, it may not truly evolve. But again, for the sake of this post, let’s assume that mass murder, mass chaos and mass harm is not good.
It’s important that we understand what “good” means on an energetic level. We seem to generally understand based on the description, but what does this mean in energetic terms? We can assume that energy either flows in a circular motion, or a straight line/linear motion. Either way, there must be somewhat of a start/end to this energy. And in the case of the circle, if it’s not start to end, it’s “point of transition”, or in other words, how energy changes and evolve.s So in terms of a circle, what is the point of “good”? And what is the point of “bad”? This is somewhat irrelevant in our terms, as it’s so incredibly different from any physical manifestation that we can think of, but we can look at this in terms of loops. If someone is stuck in a loop, they are somewhat “frozen” in a point and place in time. In other words, their energy is stagnant. They are unevolved. They are misaligned or not aligned with the flow of the universe. They have not chosen to create a new loop. They become… irrelevant. How about if the line is linear? We must have a point a and a point b. If energy is flowing always in one direction, as it must do to progress, we can assume this is like a timeline. Our earth must “evolve” forward each and every day, as well as everything along with it. If we choose not to evolve with time, we are also going backwards. Now, in both of these examples, I’ve simply stated that evolvement is backwards, and there’s misalignment or exclusion from the rest of the collective. But these are just words. What exactly does this mean? Let’s consider the timeline example.
If for example, someone is so incredibly stagnant in this lifetime, they may not be interested in new options and opportunities. They may be stuck in the past process wise or technology wise. They may be reliving old memories, and not able to make new ones in the future. They may halt bettering themselves, and they may no longer be able to change or adapt. They are “stuck” and therefore unable to process new information, reconnect with others on a more escalated or normal timeline. This may hinder them physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Energetically, it’s similar to someone burying themselves into a hole. While it’s certainly okay to be somewhat “removed” from the collective, particularly if that’s your living preference, but we cannot do so in every single aspect. In other words, we must compensate with lack of connection in one area by lifting up another one. Or else we somewhat cease to exist as human beings, all connected and a part of the same race. It’s worth noting that sometimes it is needed for someone to withdraw or isolate in order to gather their bearings and become a better person. However, it’s important that this process does not last.
So based on the previous explanation, energy stuck within a loop, or energy moving in the opposite direction of universal energy could be considered “bad” as they are lack of. They are not integrated, they are silo’d. And again… perhaps this may be intentional at times. But what does this mean for them?
Say for example you are a part of this integrated energy. You’re flowing with the universe, you’re creating these new loops. What’s the point? Well, you are simultaneously using, creating and repurposing the collective’s energy. When you’re silo’d, you’re only existing on your own energy, or energy of those which are in your immediate group. I find that this is often times why those who are incredibly disconnected tend to get more and more desperate as time goes on. They’re feeding off their won feedback loop, or they’re moving so far in the opposite direction of the collective they have nothing to use or cling onto.
“Good” energy is receptive. “Bad” energy is closed-off or rejected. The path to success is open and clear. It’s connected. It’s integrated.
If you want to have good energy and be a good person, move with the flow of the universe, not against it.
If you’re in these “bad'“ loops or directions of energy, you don’t have energetic resources. If you want to be the villain, you don’t have many people to do your bidding. You’re alone, silo’d in your own thoughts, feelings and emotions. You have little leverage, little power and control. Perhaps for a short period of time, but not for very long. I find that this is why some of the most successful “villains” convince others to do their bidding. Get them on their own side. Thy force parts of the collective to move with them. But this is a challenging task, and one which ultimately ends in ruin, as it is still in essence, an opposite directional energy or a feedback loop.
The more “good” you are, the more success you will have in this lifetime. But “good” can certainly be relative. Let’s change this to the more equal of an energetic exchange you possess, the more success you will have. Instead of speaking in superhero terms, how can you utilize this?
Any time you feel you have a lack of, consider how you can create this abundance for others. This is actually and truly the answer to success. You’ve now reintegrated with the collective. And you’re out of your own feedback loop, or no longer moving in the opposite direction.