221. Warped Relationship With Femininity Exacerbates Mental Illness


So let’s take this a step back, shall we?

The claim is that a warped relationship with femininity exacerbates mental illness. But what does this mean?

In a patriarchal society, we deem anything which is too “feminine” as weak, less than or unnecessary. But here’s the problem. We all inhabit both divine femininity and divine masculinity. On this planet, while we ebb and flow, we are generally somewhat equal. We need both to survive here as human beings. So we would do best by exploring, empowering and embracing both. Unfortunately, this is often times not the case.

So what does this truly do? Well, besides the oppression that it has on women, it also means that we are neglecting or negating the divine feminine aspect or part of ourselves. 

We do truly need both divine feminine and divine masculine to move forward in this lifetime. In terms of survival skills, divine masculine is often times concerned with the physical, the day to day, or the execution. But divine feminine is aligned to our heart and soul. Our purpose, and our intuition. Divine masculine keeps us breathing, but divine feminine is why we keep breathing.

Besides the larger concept of losing our heart and soul, and even purpose as a collective, we start to struggle to do this with our own selves.

Now let’s be clear, we can certainly have warped relationships with divine masculine. If not just as many. But I do feel that culturally there’s less emphasis and ability to face divine feminine issues. Although as a culture and a collective, I do feel that we are bringing up more awareness surrounding emotions and feelings, and addressing mental health issues as well, it’s still somewhat of a taboo subject, and in our capitalist society, mental and emotional labor is not only compensated, but it’s somewhat ignored altogether. Really one of the only times it’s capitalized is through sex work. Also childcare and communication, but often times women or people as a whole are doing that for free.

So we are aware that this is happening, but why is it happening? Well, I think that it may be a combination of a lot of peer and collective factors. After all, if you’ve grown up and developed in a particular culture, you’ve had a lot of learned behaviors. But I do also feel that there is a fear of accepting all or both sides of us. We tend to collect fears and negative energies over time. And if they happen to align with either divine masculine or divine feminine side, we may in fact just reject the whole thing as a defense mechanism. I think that a. lot of people aren’t aware fo how much is going on with us spiritually and overarching concept and theme wise. There’s “a lot” to us that we don’t consciously know about.

So how do you know if you have a warped relationship with femininity? It can be tricky. The first red flag to spot is if you do feel like you are rejecting anything which society deems “feminine”. It’s important that there’s a peaceful acknowledgement and acceptance of all of these things. Including our thoughts, feelings and emotions as well. If you feel that none fo these things are valid, you deprioritize them, or they don’t have a place in your life or lifestyle, this is also a good signal or indicator. Perhaps upon reading this, you may simply “feel” that you do. Another great one, as well. Being disconnected from your true self and how you feel overall would be the most obvious indicator of a warped relationship with femininity. Do remember that physical manifestations of divine feminine are our interpretations of it as a collective. Just because, for example, you don’t dress feminine, doesn’t mean you have a warped relationship with it. It’s more about how you feel about it in general, and not necessarily exactly how you execute it within your life.

So how does this exacerbate mental illness? It’s simply the aspect of rejection or repression. We are simply not tuned into our higher self. We block this spiritual integration and information coming through. Our purpose, how we feel in general, our insights, our intuition, etc. Remember that intuition isn’t just psychic ability, it’s what we feel and know we should be doing. It drives our path to success and our happiness. There’s also a consideration regarding lack of balance. If you are leaning so far into your divine masculine energy, so many things in your life may be or feel out of whack. Again, living day to day does not just require divine masculine, it requires divine feminine as well. If we consider that bringing both parts of us together makes us a more clear channel, we can also assume that energy simply flows through us better hen we are in joint alignment. There’s less fragments. Less places or spaces for energy to get stuck.

So what do we do about this problem? How do we resolve such a dissonance? The first place to start is acknowledgement and acceptance that this may be a problem for you. Next is the willingness to do proactive work to fix it. The key here is truly surrendering to the cause. Being open. Not just open to ideas, but open to new opportunities and experiences. Stop rejecting things because they are perceivably too feminine. This doesn’t just have to be your wardrobe, this can simply be being vulnerable and sharing your deepest truths. Seek out more feminine experiences. Perhaps these include women groups. Look more for opportunities in communication, emotion, or even mental cognition. Quite frankly, anything and everything which isn’t specifically physical can be chalked up to divine feminine energy. There’s a power in resonating with your “inner woman” as well as embracing this creativity. And the strength that comes along with it.


222. Why Does Good Typically Win?


220. Overcoming Perfectionism