23. How To Outsmart Time
For some reason the concept of time has been practically knocking at my door lately. It seems as though as of late, everyone seems to be affected by time. Whether they have too little of it, or too much of it, sort of any which way can ultimately present a problem for you.
I can go into a further explanation of the concept of time itself, but for the sake of this article, let’s just say that the concept of time is real to us, as in a physical reality we operate on time. Not only that, but we have physical “markers” of age. For example, we can tell how “old” someone is by how they look, act, dress, etc. Although it’s not perfect, we certainly have s tart date and an end date, therefore constituting the concept of “time”. However, on the other side, time doesn’t really exist. It may exist in some dimensions, but considering all of the points and places in “time” that it doesn’t exist, it’s therefore quite a frivolous concept.
So why is this conversation important? I personally find that when we are beholden to the concept of time, it not only drains our energy, but puts us in a lower vibrational space. We no longer have autonomy. We no longer have freedom and independence. We’re constantly being controlled by a concept which virtually, doesn’t exist at all.
Now you’re probably saying, there’s no way to get rid of time, or act like it doesn’t exist. We live in a capitalist society. We have arrangements, deadlines, things which need to get done. In a way, time can be a great resource in order to help us prioritize and even at times add more value into our lives. This is technically true. But I do feel for the most part, we have a warped relationship with time as a collective.
Often times when you ask people at the end of their lives what their biggest regrets are, they mention not spending enough quality time with their families. Or not using their time wisely doing what they wanted to do, or perhaps even living their authentic self. Perhaps they wish they hadn’t wasted so much time doing frivolous things, or things which brought them no value.
How about time management? Personally, I feel that if we are so into the concept of time management, in other words, we cannot physically get done all of the things we need to do, there’s a larger issue of discernment and prioritization at play. Although it’s great to really push yourself forward and accomplish as much as you can, it’s likely that if you’re so over-inundated, you’re taking on things which are not entirely relevant to your learnings here on earth. So how can you prioritize? This also ladders into a different concept which is prioritization based on intuition. Consider that everything around us is “alive” and vibrating. Certain things in our life and in our space require more immediate attention. By intuiting what “comes next” in our rolodex of tasks, not only can we save the stress of prioritization, but we can also intuit what is the most valuable task to head to next. And sometimes, that task is just relaxing. I strongly recommend practicing intuition in regards to day to day activities, as well as long-term trajectories.
But, let’s get back to the title… how to outsmart time. Considering time is practically an illusion, it’s important to come to terms with this as we move forward with our lives. Having a healthy relationship with time is super important to work within it. Try to consider time as your friend, and not your enemy. Time doesn’t exist to work against you, but with you. It’s sort of like a “challenge” so to speak, but it allows for you to learn unique and specific lessons throughout your time here.
First recommendation: How to feel when you look at a clock
Often times when we check the time, we have an immediate adverse reaction. Perhaps we feel time hasn’t gone far enough along, or we feel we’re. out of time. Instead of having any type of reaction, allow yourself to just “be”. Any type of visceral reaction caused by a particular time is defeating the purpose of time itself. Looking at the time can certainly cause positive emotions such as motivation and inspiration, but it should never cause negative ones such as shame and guilt. This negative energy perpetuates a toxic relationship with time. By practicing releasing any negative reactions when looking at a clock will continue to help this dynamic.
Second recommendation: Use your intuition to prioritize
As I mentioned briefly, it’s important to lean into your intuition in order to discover what should come next in your daily lineup, as well as your long-term trajectory. Consider sitting down and releasing any pre-conceived thoughts, feelings or emotions about what comes next. Look around. What do you feel should come next? What in general feels right to you? By starting to act on impulse allows the universe to have trust and faith in you that you can deliver actionable items based on your higher-self alignment and intuition. As a result, it will likely lead to having more abundance and success. As a result, this will likely strengthen your decision-making skills as well as your overall discernment. How about long-term trajectory? Consider backtracking as a tool to understand what you need to prioritize in this lifetime. Personally, I like to envision the end of my life (I know it’s a bit morbid), but it’s helpful to bring myself to that point and place in time in order to understand what was of value for me in this lifetime, as well as what I felt it was important to achieve and accomplish. Use this as an overarching guide of how to move forward in life related to your current situation.
Third recommendation: Seek out opportunities which are “timeless”
This is actually practically the exact same advice as getting out of the “matrix”. Consider the theory of relativity. Time is relative, and some experiences make you feel like time is endless, and others make you feel that time is short. Not only should you seek out experiences which make you feel as though time is endless, but I would go a step further. When you have connections with yourself, your environment, and particularly others, there are certain times when you feel that time doesn’t exist. This is what I call hacking the matrix. The matrix exists within the confounds of time, in fact, it simply is time, but our consciousness is endless. When we truly tap into our consciousness, we experience limitless time. By adding more of these experiences to our daily routine, we up our value and decrease our warped relationship with time.
These are just starting points, but how you interact with these recommendations and how you put them into use is not only totally up to you, but you’re likely to lean into one more than others, or use them in your own unique way. Good luck :)