24. The Future Of Spiritual Communities
Sort of out of the blue I started to pick up on two interesting trends. Primarily since I spend a lot of time on TikTok, it’s on #spiritualtiktok, but I sense this is a larger conversation as the community as a whole has become much more pervasive.
The first trend I picked up on was the fact that so many new people are joining the community as practitioners and readers. Overall, I strongly feel this is a positive thing. For one, the more people who are aligned to spirituality will help inspire and encourage others who are not. Additionally, it serves a creative outlet and helps everyone to hone in on their intuition. Partially for the readers practicing their intuition, but also for the watchers who are looking into resonation. On top of that, often times I find there’s nothing more valuable than a beginner in the field. I will always listen to guidance and advice from a baby psychic. In fact, I’ve gotten some of my best advice from a baby psychic. It’s hard to say why. Could just be beginner’s luck, but I think that everyone needs a little bit of encouragement at the start. Perhaps spirit guides and universal energy is on their side and helping them through ;). Nevertheless, the abundance of practitioners and readers has caught my eye.
Additionally, there seems to be some fracturing in the spiritual community amongst those who are more experts in the field. Everyone seems to be sort of silo’d into their own lane. On top of that, everyone is slightly divided with their opinions. Of course this makes sense and is natural, as new age spirituality is such a vast and explorative topic, but I do feel that typically there’s generally more alignment within a community, even with differing thoughts, feelings and emotions. On top of that, it does feel as though those who are more established in the field are becoming “triggered” by certain thoughts, feelings, emotions or ideas. Or even generally people themselves.
All of this is laddering up to the fact that we’re in a period of expansion. Expansion is essentially an energetic time (one of two, the other being contraction) where there’s more of an emphasis on new people, places, things and ideas. It really aligns with the concept of globalization. So instead of finding peace within, it’s finding peace within a community. Often times periods of expansion are marked by renaissances and/or forward motion and technology booms. It may feel that time is moving quicker, or that more is “happening” within a period of time. In general, I find that expansion periods are typically marked by a democratic U.S. president, or more progressive leaning attitudes or policies in general.
So what’s in store for the future? Eventually we will cycle into a contraction time, which I feel will be in about 2 years. So as a result, people will likely be looking more within, perhaps even spending more time at home, but as a particular byproduct, they will be narrowing into their life purpose and sort of sifting out what doesn’t need to be there. I feel that as a result, it’s likely that a lot of people may fall out of the spiritual community. In other words, as they look within, they find that delivering spiritual information and messages is not aligned to their purpose or higher self. I’m hoping, however, that these newly-honed skills of intuition will have a practical purpose and be able to be integrated into other jobs, careers, hobbies and volunteer opportunities. In general, contraction is usually marked by “refinement”, and all those who are not intended to pursue this as a life purpose will likely fall out of the sphere. This is why it’s important to consider the concept of integration and what is truly important to you/aligned to you moving forward. Or else, you may get a harsh “boot” from your current space.
How about those who are already experts in the field? The fact that there’s a lot of triggering happening points me to one thing: there’s either a significant misalignment in regards to life purpose, or, we’re moving into a new period where any old, negative or stagnant energy which was once dormant will ultimately be released. I think it’s a combination of both. It’s possible that some experts in the field may ultimately find new pursuits, or, they may struggle to integrate their current teachings, practices and readings into the current time of the collective. There may need to be a “reshuffling” or a new look at everyone’s businesses.
In general, it feels like there’s a giant flour sifter with everyone bouncing back and forth. Some will get caught in the pieces, and others will fall through. Who will fall through? I kind of think whoever intends to fall through. If your higher self is on board, that’s great. If not, you may ultimately end up struggling.
Regardless of exactly how everyone’s life plays out is sort of unknown, and to be honest, up to them. However it’s clear to me that there will need to be more integration into the future, as well as more alignment. As a community, it will become virtually impossible to move forward with energetic over saturation as well as negative vibrations coming from those who are consistently being triggered.
My best advice is to do the following:
Mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepare for the new age of contraction
Consider your triggers. Is there a way for you to begin to proactively transmute them, before it’s too late?
Be honest with yourself about your long-term trajectory. What do you feel is right for now? For the future? Is there a way to integrate both of these parts?
Consider integration in general. How can you integrate spiritual ideas and concepts into what you’re doing now. How about in regards to the rest of the collective?
I do feel in general that acknowledgement is simply enough to get this process started. I think that no matter who you are, how much experience you have, and whatever you are doing whether it be traditional, original, like everyone else, or incredibly unique will need to come to some sort of assessment in the near future. Good luck!