238. How We Exist


Perhaps an age old question… How do we exist?

There are lots of theories based in evolution, the big bang theory, etc. But so far… we’ve not come up with a single answer for our consciousness as human beings. We understand how we keep creating human beings (loosely), but how did we end up here in the first place? As in not just this earth, but this dimension/ How are we vessels that contain consciousness?

Although I won’t be accessing every single detail of these questions, I want to talk about source energy, consciousness and fractals at a glance.

“Source energy” is a term thrown around a lo, but what is it? It’s essentially where we all come from. Many people perceive this to be “god”. It’s essentially the furnace of all creation. I perceive it to be one “ring” of energy. We must consider that since energy cannot be created nor destroyed (and can only be transmuted), it simply always has been, and likely always will be. It’s essence is well… energy. So it must always be vibrating or moving in some fashion. As a result, it’s likely always in a period of expansion and contraction. When I perceive this “source” it comes through as a black circle (on top of blackness) with a ring of white light around it. Perhaps internally encompassing everything, but outwardly always expanding.

In tandem or as a result of this expansion, energy goes through a “separation” experience or period. Essentially it splits in two (or more than two) through either an experience of mitosis, or there’s another energetic “separator” which splits it in two. Essentially it can be internal or external.

As a result, energy splits in (at least) and usually into two parts. However, this process can continue to repeat itself over and over again. These splits are called “fractals”, or fractures of source energy. Going back to laws of physics. Energy cannot be destroyed, just transmuted. Or in essence… fractaled. As you are an energetic body, and others are energetic bodies. Therefore, energy must have been “one” at one point, and split to create you.

We can theoretically assume that the more fractaled we are. In other words, the more times energy has split to “create’ you, the farther we are from the “source” of our energetic inception or creation (at least on this particular timeline). 

So how does one know we’re so split? Well, let’s consider that energy exists outside of the physical realm. In other words, the less complete you feel, the less likely you are from source. But just because you’re in a physical reality, doesn’t mean this is a detriment. You can feel essentially just as “whole” as if you were literally sucked into source energy as you are now. It’s all about energetic repression and rejection, or vice versa, energetic acceptance. The more you “accept”, theoretically, the more whole you are. However, with that said, since we are in a physical reality we do have additional densities added onto this process. Imagine it’s like a telephone line to source energy, but that’s being stifled and muffled by someone sitting on it. That would be physical reality.

I think what i want to hammer home here is… we exist because we intended to exist. Intention is beyond human form. It’s just the flow and direction of energy. And that energy can create over and over and over again. Create on top of itself. Which is essentially how things with mass exist (in my opinion). Your existence is intentional!

Likewise, destruction is just as easy as creation. I do feel that the “big bang” was not just a singular event, but essentially the way in which energy evolves itself and moves forward. Eventually, two pieces of energies or energetic trajectories must come together to combine or create a new energy. I believe these need to be on the same or at least a very similar wavelength. At least with the intention to either absolve themselves or create new. I do feel that it’s doing the universe a disservice to assume that it is not conscious. After all, everything that we do, and most things we interact with (particularly nature) are conscious entities. They have energy, spirit/soul and a vibration.

There’s so many questions that we have about the universe, and chances are, we may not know practically any of them truly until we experience it for ourselves. But I suppose that’s for “another time”.


239. Why Judgment Is Ungodly


237. What Are The Metaphysical Signs Of A Breakup?