237. What Are The Metaphysical Signs Of A Breakup?


I do a decent amount of love readings, so I want to share what I’ve observed personally as being indicators of incompatibility or potentially a separation between couples. Now keep in mind these are primarily for younger generations as well as females, which may skew results.

  1. Partner hasn’t fully formed their plan path for the future: So while this may either seem irrelevant or obvious depending on who you ask and what the goals are of the couple, this is always a looming shadow. The issue is that typically this means that there’s incompatibility regarding both of these people’s life paths. It can also speak to lack of commitment in general. As well as just being more so “early” or new on your journey and path in life. When this isn’t solidified or formed, it can either mean that both paths will ultimately become incompatible, or there may be some toxicity, resentment and codependency to happen in the future.

  2. Unequal energetic exchange: This usually means hat one or more partners is putting in more energy than the other. This can of course look like so many things. It can even be a sense of committed energy in general, which is more of an intention, and less of a thinking or doing. If one person is ultimately more committed, it typically means that the other is either not super into it, or they’re still figuring their shit out and they’re unwilling to give all of themselves.

  3. No energetic resonance: This is in my opinion, by far the proverbial death sentence. If you are talking to an intuitive who is resonating with you, and they cannot pick up energy of your significant others, this typically means that their energetic resonance is not significant enough in order to pick up. It can also mean that your energy is becoming less and less attached to them.

  4. One or more partners has significant energetic work to do: Hear me out. It is absolutely not impossible to work through energetic lessons as a couple. in fact, that’s why we get into relationships of any kind. Other people are there to help us, guide us and even trigger us. The problem is that when we are in a period of life which is somewhat overwhelmed by energetic problems and lessons, there just becomes less of a likelihood that by the time all of these lessons shake out, one or more of you will continue to be on the same page. It’s certainly not impossible, it just primarily looks at odds.

    Now these are certainly not guarantees whatsoever. They are just observations. However I will argue that the more of these you may have, the more likely it is that it’s not the match for you. Just consider when you’re moving forward!


238. How We Exist


236. The Forces Of The Universe: Duality