240. What I Learned About Life After Becoming A Psychic Medium In My 20’s
It’s interesting because one would think that this would be the easiest post I’d ever write, but it turns out it’s just the most emotional.
I never thought that this would be me. That I would be sitting here writing this article. That my intuition would open up, I’d have a spiritual awakening and it would completely turn my life upside down. I’m quite proud of the evolution that I’ve made over the past few years, but the learnings still continue. I’m not sure I’ll ever totally feel normal. But maybe I don’t want to. Reflecting upon these learnings in particular brings about some somewhat painful memories (of the trauma of it opening in general), but a lot of nostalgia and pride. So with that, here are things I learned about life when my intuition opened up. Full disclosure, many of these things are a blip on my radar. It would be impossible to encompass everything that I’ve learned, so I’ll go with the most dramatic.
Love and hate aren’t the two forces of the universe love and fear are. Fear is just projected as hate.
This life truly is a blip on the radar in terms of our souls’ energy and trajectory.
Anything can happen. Seriously. We are so in our own egos that we overthink, we intellectualize when we don’t need to, we avoid being in the present moment. We waste our lives trying to find answers which are sitting right in front of us.
Everything has an overarching concept and theme. Cars? Theme about our journeys through life. Homes? theme about our safety, security and space. Phones? Theme about our connectivity and communication. These themes are webs which have energetic “feet” throughout all areas of our lives. If we can deduce the theme, we can digest the meaning.
Dead people just want to be heard, and to have their negative energy transmuted. And I’m starting to think that’s what alive people want, as well.
Negative entities are real. And they’re attached to us. However, negative energy has consciousness which ultimately makes it an “entity”. We’re so afraid of external entities, but we ought to be concerned with the own ones we’re creating.
Our entire goal is to feel more “whole” to evolve back to source. It’s o feel connection and to bring together all of our parts. This is why acceptance is so important.
If we can reframe our negative experiences for what they truly are, learning lessons which have a deeper truth than our own ego, we can quite literally transmute anything. Nothing would stop us as an evolving collective.
To iterate, you have anything and everything you need. No one can provide you love. You are love. Other people simply trigger it inside of you. If you search deep down, you’ll find anything and everything you’re looking for.