241. White Men Are More Afraid Of You Than You Think
I think that the greatest argument against this topic is the following. Fear does not ignite all evil. But there’s where you and I disagree. Fear is the root of all evil. Hate and evil are projected forms of fear, or at least that’s how I perceive.
One may think this is a throwaway argument. So what? So what if fear is the root of all evil. It’s still projected as hate. So what? So what??? If we can analyze why people have this type of fear and squash it before it becomes projected as hate, we can ultimately change the world. Some may say it’s impossible, but we do this every single day. We conquer our fears every single day. We transmute negative energy. We don’t do this on a very large scale, but we do it on a small scale. There is no collective alignment for this process. And regrettably, it seems that the only people who are doing it as the ones closest to success, or those who have substantial means. Not really the ones who need it the most.
But let’s get back to the topic at hand. If hate and evil starts as fear, then those who hate others are the most fearful. However, we don’t quite see it this way. I do feel that hate is simply a “mask” for this. Perhaps fear is seen as cowardly, and a weakness. Hate can somewhat manipulate this scenario so that it seems more “reasonable” or “logical”. I’m not sure how or why, but it seems to be a supported feeling. Perhaps it’s simply because… it resonates. Since everyone has fear, and most people project hate, I suppose it’s all within good company.
So there’s two parts of this conversation we need to talk about. The first is… can it be proven? Well, if we work within this logic that fear equals hate, and that historically, men and white people are… to say it politely… the biggest haters. We can therefore assume that they are the most afraid. But why would they be the most afraid?
I think that this may be almost up to every person to decide. Perhaps this is time for each of us to reflect inside ourselves. Do we have any fears surrounding the rest of the collective. Those who are seemingly different from us? And why? it likely traces back to some form of insecurity. One which may not be accepted, that you’re aware of, or intellectualized in any way shape or form. But likely… it’s there. And how do I know this? We are all part of source energy, which means we are all one i the same. Of course you are a unique fractal of this source energy, but we ALL share metaphysical traits. just different physical manifestations of them. And some have different strengths than others.
What if I told you that those who are different than you hold these strengths, and that if you are insecure about them, this fear will cause you project hate onto them, specifically. Think about it. Why would you not hate others who are similar to you? Why only hate those who are different than you? There is seemingly no logic because of this. From purely a strategic level, you would want to partner with those who have different strengths than you. You want allies who are different. But there’s so much rejection and repression. There must be a root cause.
If we can consider what our own “lack of” is and what we feel others embody, we can formulate the key to this success. The bridge to this gap, etc.
I’ll wrap up this article with one statement. No one tries to repress, manipulate or control a person or a group of people they are not inherently afraid of. There is absolutely no reason. No one would proactively use energy in which they could use to benefit themselves to exert it over controlling others. There is insecurity, there is lack of power, and there is control. If you see any group or class of people trying to hate on or control others, they are in lack of energetically or metaphorically. They are projecting out this fear and this hate. Because they don’t have it. And quite frankly, that is sad. They completely ignoring the problem simultaneously as doubling down on it. They are making it significantly and substantially worse. If we do not all learn to work together here on this planet, there will be no planet left, quite frankly. No human race left. It’s time we get out of our own egos and see what is truth. We are all here to work together. And when we project out these fears, we simply do a disservice to ourselves.
I write more articles containing information in regards to transmuting negative energy. Check these out to do the work yourself!