250. Unwinding Conditioning
What is conditioning? For me, it’s a broad/overarching term for “pre-conditioned notions”. Conditioning itself would be repeated validation or enforcement of these particular notions. In other words, someone or something is repeatedly “convincing” you that something is a certain way. The easiest way to address this topic is that nothing really is a certain way. Everyone sees the world differently and uniquely from their own perception value. And particularly if this conditioning has you feel a certain way about yourself, that’s simply impossible. Only you can feel a certain way about yourself, and no one can tell you otherwise.
This can come from the closest people in your life who are projecting their own negative energy onto you. So this can be family members, friends. It can be in a professional or work setting. It can also just come from culture/the collective at large. Social media is certainly a hub for this to take place. But what does conditioning really do for anyone?
Conditioning is a tactic for control. In other words, if you can convince someone that something is real, when it’s not, you can theoretically assert control over them. This gain can be really anything. It can be monetary, it can be personal or energetic. And sometimes people aren’t truly aware of why it is they’re doing it, they’re just in a loop of projection.
While it’s true that rules, boundaries and information are necessary to have a functioning society, conditioning certainly isn’t. There are hardly any “positives” in terms of conditioning, except for keeping people in their place.
So how do you unwind conditioning? And how do you even know if you’re being affected by it?
The easiest way to know if you’re being affected by it is every time you say to yourself, “I can’t”, or, “I won’t” do something or be something. Your belief system not related to yourself can even be conditioned. Any time you stop yourself in the face of adversity, or have judgments about yourself or others unwarranted, this is all conditioning.
While it’s true that previous experiences may have dictated some of your own conditioning (in other words, it’s from yourself), you’re still looking at the world from your own perception value. Energy changes all the time. Your experience one day with one thing is not a destiny for the future.
Conditioning essentially acts like a block, or a warped perception value. It and make it harder to connect with yourself and others. It’s just… walls.
Conditioning can be extremely challenging to undo, particularly if it’s been reinforced for entirely your whole life. However, it’s not a death sentence. You can absolutely come back from it. It just takes some risks… and guts.
I would strongly recommend the 3 step system of proactively transmuting negative energy which is acknowledge, acceptance and proactive transmission through reframing memories or seeking out new options and opportunities related to the overarching concepts and themes. I my opinion, the biggest hurdle is to feel that there is an alternate option which is for you, and is safe. When we get too into our ego, we think it’s hopeless. And there’s no other way to be. But this belief is absolutely the major, if not only thing holding us back.