254. Other People’s Validation Shapes Your Reality


I do feel that often times we grapple with this concept. Does others feedback and validation shape our reality? In some way shape or form, it has to.

Consider your job/career. Feedback from your peers/coworkers and boss are the reason why you still have a job. Your performance, while it may be objective, is subjective in many cases. Or how about your family and friends. Particularly if we get into altercations with others, they will indirectly or directly provide feedback on how our connections are going. Even the world around us provides us feedback. It’s hard to scroll the internet without a mass public opinion. Or perhaps even a loud, singular one. If there’s an “ick” out there, we must make sure we’re not doing it. This causes lots of confusion at times, particularly when we don’t have a fully formed ego, or. we’re lacking in self-esteem or self confidence. 

We are after all here in the physical world. Our energies are playing off of each other’s. And in some way, we want to help and please other people. We want to know that what we’re doing is helpful. It can be incredibly isolating if we simply work in a vacuum or hole. There are lots of positives in regards to feedback, but at what cost?

There can be a struggle when either our ego is not fully formed, or we’re struggling with the validation taking place. Perhaps we are gung-ho on a particular journey, but through our energetic validation and seeming misdirection or closed doors from the universe, it just simply isn’t working. Sometimes this is a sign to change paths, or sometimes this is a sign to work harder to smarter on your current one. It’s all about circumstances and intuition.

So where can this go wrong? When we internalize positive feedback, it can be efficient and productive. Our confidence and self-esteem can grow. But if we get too much in our ego, good or bad, we become way too responsible for our own actions. This can of course make people selfish and vain, but on the other hand, it’s the same for the negative. We can take feedback or advice way too personally. Although we are responsible for our own actions, we are conduits of creativity. Of already established life. We are simply the filter. And it’s important to remember that to not take life so seriously and to not be so beholden to a certain outcome or result. This is almost a sure-fire way to get off course in your long-term energetic plan or trajectory, and disassociate you from your intuition.

But is it truly possible to exist within the confounds of a matrixed reality (where everything is so exact/cut and dry) as well as the depths of your intuition (where everything is changeable, moveable and abstract)? It has to be. Each and every day we bounce back and forth from subconscious to conscious. or in other words, our truest soul to our physical reality which lays in front of us. We need creativity and our higher self to lead the change with inspiration and creativity, and we need our physical minds and bodies to execute it. This can be challenging for even the best/smartest of them all, as we are comprised of multiple parts, and we need to resolve multiple areas and aspects of our lives such as family, business, personal, romance, hobbies etc. It can seem impossible to keep it all going.

This is why it’s so important to check in with yourself consistently. To meditate and bring alignment to your subconscious. But at the same time, take risks and try things new in the physical world. There has to be a balance of both.

If we deconstruct the idea that others’ validation does shape our reality, we can understand that we can live completely freely without their feedback and thoughts. While it is true that to some extent/level we need to connect and interact with other, and we do need their feedback, it does not define and shape us. And this too, can always be updated or moved. When we get too stuck in the present (in negativity), we lose hope and optimism for the future. We feel that we cannot change the past, present or future. But we can. We can reframe our past memories to see it from a “truthful” perspective, in other words, one outside of our ego and in alignment with our soul’s learning lessons. We can shift our perspective in the current moment to help change our outcomes for the future. And the future is so incredibly unwritten, anything can happen. Lean into these thoughts and ideas when you’re struggling.

Keep in mind that others’ feedback can sometimes be a reflection of ourselves. Whatever we may feel most negative or insecure about, may be reflected onto our reality. A “disconnect” is sometimes needed” to get down to the bottom of who we truly are, to ripple out a better or intended result.

Point blank: Others’ validation can be limiting. And our energy is unlimited. Be sure to not allow the opinion and feedback of others warp your reality so much that it changes your intuitive feelings about yourself, your future and the world.


255. Money & Metaphysics


253. Why Stories Are So Satisfying