255. Money & Metaphysics
There are so many interesting aspects/facets to money. On one hand, there’s really no spiritual significance to money itself. It’s so well-circulated that its energetic resonance is utterly meaningless. It’s not like a person which has consciousness, and it’s not like an item which “belongs” to someone, holding a fractal of their energetic resonance. It doesn’t hold specific energy such as a geolocation or a place, it’s… totally odd and ambiguous.
I learned much of what I needed to know about money from talking to negative entities. The only thing you can truly be “offered” by a negative entity, and likely a negative person, would be spiritually invaluable. It would be… money or something else which is similar. We typically associate greed as being the root of all evil, so in some ways, it coincides.
How can we therefore associate money in a positive way? Well, of course anything and everything can be used either positively or negatively. Particularly without this intrinsic energetic value, it can easily swing opposite directions. It’s about the conscious interjection that we attach to it or provide to it.
When we talk about manifestation, money, or byproducts of money (homes, cars, etc.) are some of the most talked about wants. We typically lean into physical things with our manifestations. It is somewhat interesting to think about, because it really leans towards our materialism as people. But who can blame people? We’ve been conditioned to think that money and physical items/things are covetable. I wonder if this warped relationship with intrinsic value keeps people from attaining money, because they have a warped perception of it/with it.
I’ve gotten asked a couple of times what the overarching theme of money is. While I feel that money is associated with/tied into many different things, depending on the specific issue or issues that you have with money, it’s certain that abundance/prosperity are a huge chunk of it. So what is abundance and prosperity? I think that perhaps everyone has their own definition. Yes, of course it can be tied to “riches” and even “a lot” of things, but this “a lot” doesn’t always have to be physical. Perhaps, it’s not even “a lot”. I suppose that in a way, abundance can simply mean “enough”. If we are not feeling like we have enough, we may be in lack of. But perhaps if we have precisely what we need, or more, it would be abundance. It’s important to note that as we incarnate on this earth, we are intended to receive, fulfill and give an infinite amount of things. We are destined to be a part of an infinite number of energies. Although we are silo’d into our own bodies, have our own life purposes, and quite frankly, just do our own thing, our connection to source, other energies (even nature) as well as other people is infinite and indefinite. Consider that our energetic “reach” can be tied to abundance. How much are we giving, and how much are we receiving? It’s important to note that when our energy is misused or misdirected, this often times causes us to have energetic exhaustion and fatigue. But as we go through life with levels of discernment, we can and should be able to retain our energy, at least in a relatively stable/high vibrational place, with the exception of some ebbs and flows.
I wish there was simply “one” answer, but money provides so much, does so much, and is such an integrated/intertwined part of our daily lives. Perhaps the best way to understand the way that money either works for you, or perhaps is a problem for you, is to understand your relationship with it. As money in some ways is just the “vessel”, but the theme of money itself, is… the theme.
If you’re feeling like you never have enough money, perhaps your theme is ‘lack of” or scarcity regarding abundance. This is typically a result of “pushing” energy outward, or having a “wall” up. Really being in a place of scarcity is being proactive with neglecting or rejecting. So how does one even get into this state of mind or state of being? Scarcity is typically a trauma response of feeling like you either are always in lack of, or that you’ve had expectations or experiences where you expected more, and were given much of nothing. This is likely something to do with not having your needs met from a parent, but it can also be an unstable environment, it can be a lot of different things. It’s not just a behavioral/learned choice, but it’s also a defense mechanism as well. The antidote for these types of experiences would be pushing yourself to face your fears in regards to “lack of”. It’s likely that you may avoid either intimate relationships or experiences which could put you down or fail you. However, the only way to get out of this energetic cycle is to do exactly that. It ultimately becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. By having achievable, tangible goals that you can slowly work your way up from, the more confidence, exposure and experience you’ll gain. And the more quickly you can get yourself out of a place of lack of or scarcity.
If you’re feeling a little bit chaotic with energy, such as sometimes you’re getting a lot of it, sometimes you’re getting a little of it, sometimes you’re spending a lot, and sometimes you’re spending a little bit, it’s important to discern that this is actually a problem, and again, not just ebb and flow of life. Obviously things are not going to be perfect, but if you’re noticing this is somewhat of an issue, it’s likely that it is. This is likely stemming from chaotic energy or unstable energy, which can either be mental, emotional or physical If we consider that our connection and the physical manifestations of our life are simply mirrors of our own energetic state, we can assume that multiple aspects/areas of our lives will tend to match or correspond to each other. The answer is stability, balance, health and holistic energy in all areas of life. See if there are little things that you can do day to day to bring up your vibration. The more stable your energy, the more that you’re going to be outputting this into the universe. On top of that, when you are inhabiting unstable energy, or lots of energy is going in and out without warning, appreciation or gratitude, you just don’t really have the opportunity to hold onto it. You can’t really “sustain” it, if that makes sense. It’s similar to how when people win millions of dollars, they end up blowing it almost instantaneously. If you can’t sustain the wealth, you won’t. And the trick is to sustain other areas/aspects of your life in practice. What does your life look like with this money? Do you need more responsibility? Patience? Organization. If you can’t hold onto it, you won’t.
It’s really challenging for me to tell people that you can have anything and everything that you want in this lifetime, because I’m primarily talking to people’s egos. In other words, on a subconscious level, not everyone wants to be a billionaire. Not everyone wants to be a millionaire. And you’re thinking… who wouldn’t want that? People who incarnated onto this earth for a very particular reason. And having large amounts of money would detract from the point or the meaning of that particular reason. If your intended purpose was to have a minimal, beautiful and connected life with your surroundings, vast amount of money may detract you from this purpose. Now, am I saying it’s impossible to have both? Absolutely not. The other twist here is that it’s some people’s intended purpose in this lifetime to overcome these themes of turbulence and scarcity to become more abundant, prosperous and wealthy. It’s all… relative. Consider your most aligned destiny. Being in alignment with yourself. What does your future look like? You can be an enlightened being with or without money. What are the drawbacks? What are the considerations? All of these will ultimately be up to you to decide.
The broadest piece of advice is to ensure that you’re a clear channel. By having major fears, blockages and walls up, you’re likely not going to be as agile, or willing to exposure yourself to new risks or opportunities. These things are often times required to secure the money, opportunities or even the life that you’re looking for.
It’s important to recognize that money does so many things for people. It provides, security, opportunity, support in connection, health, access, achievement, and better alignment to yourself and your wants, needs and desires. By going through this entire explanation, it’s clear that it’s not about money, it’s about anything and everything else. Consider what money offers you. That is the precise concept and theme you should start with. Elevating energy in those areas/aspects of your life.