257. Use Fear Positively


I talk a lot about fear, and it’s for good reason. Fear is the opposite of love. It’s really what… is hugely/largely problematic within our society. It causes us to act, or not to act. The fact is… we’re often times not aware that we are driven by fear. Or worse… what is driving the fear. I personally feel that fear can transcend from multiple lifetimes ago. So people are regularly in a redundant pattern of trying to fix physical manifestations of their fear, without realizing the root cause of the problem or what’s underneath. Rather than going into a whole article about this specifically, I’ll just say that meditations and past life regressions with specific intentions are helpful for this.

So what technically is fear? It’s a great question. Considering love is only theorized, we would have to work backwards. We can assume it’s either negative vibrational energy, lack of alignment, lack of acceptance, or… unknown. As a collective, we’re pretty clear on the behaviors which are aligned to fear. They’re generally quite damaging to ourselves and others. Toxicity and abuse in particular, come to mind. When we think/talk about evil, we think of heinous acts, or potentially even lack of in the face of said evil.

I truly believe that any and all fear can be transmuted. Energy can be warped, shifted and changed. And since it transitions all the time, we can likely transmute fear at our will, at any time. It’s up to us to do it. This process can be a bit scary, and I find that most people hesitate to start. After all, how do you? The first step it acknowledgment. See my guide to transmuting negative energy to get a better/clearer outline of how to do this.

But let’s chat about more of the specific ways that you can do this, in a physical sense. That is of course, so long as you want to. Transmuting fear generally leads to more success, abundance, happiness and alignment. Proactively avoiding fear tends to compound our issues. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone. And remember that even if you are overwhelmed, there’s no better time to start than now.

To put somewhat of a positive spin on this, let’s consider how you can use fear in a positive way. The first step, of course is likely needing to pin point what the fear is. But so long as it’s a reasonably categorized concept and theme, I think you can work with it. Remember that you can set the intention to discover what your fears are, if you’re having trouble understanding them.

Without further adieu, here are steps to using fear positively?

Resonate with others: Relatability, communication and resonation is one of the most overlooked methods of healing. It’s as simple as having a conversation with a friend, a stranger, a coworker. Any time you can find common ground and connect with another person, you’re not only helping yourself heal, but others as well. When you are vulnerable with others, it helps them do/be the same. Feeling like we’re not alone automatically puts us into a place of acceptance, which is step two fo transmuting negative energy!

Empower others: Sharing your experience facing fears can help others feel empowered to face their own. There have been several times when/where I’ve been on TikTok, and I’ve seen others share their experience in this struggle. Again, it’s really about that resonation factor. When you see others working on themselves to succeed and facing their fears, you may feel inspired to do so, too.

Motivation and inspiration: Piggybacking off of the last prompt, your success, or even your failure stories can help to motivate and inspire others. Although these experiences tend to be capstone stories, any sort of mini successes you have can really motivate the collective. Your successes are not just a pat on the back, it’s empirical evidence that someone and anyone can do it.

Transmission of energy: By really helping someone heal, whether that’s mentally/emotionally or physically, it’s really the last leg of your own healing journey. It’s a capstone experience. It provides reflection and redirection of this negative energy. At this point in time, you’ve essentially learned whatever lesson you’ve learned. Often times I recommend not just sharing your story (relevant to the other prompts), but really, thoroughly helping others through volunteer opportunities. This one is more about physical assistance and support.

There are several main themes throughout these prompts. You don’t have to save the world and dedicate years of your life to helping others in order to transmute your fear. You can simply be bold and brave enough to simply just put out into the world and share what you’ve experienced. It can be as factual or as emotional as you’d like. We all exist under the same human condition. So no matter how different, unique or even traumatized you may feel, there’s someone out there, while not going through the exact same physical experiences as you, but 100% feels the exact same way as you. And hopefully that can bring a little hop to you or comfort.


258. People Treat You The Way They Treat Themselves


256. The Relationship Between Illness & Solar Plexus Chakra