258. People Treat You The Way They Treat Themselves
The second part of your life begins when you realize people treat you the way you treat yourself.
This in particular is a topic which I feel quite strongly about. While I had a wonderful childhood and wonderful friends, things substantially changed when I started working.
It’s somewhat surprising to me that I put up with a lot of negative behavior from peers and supervisors. Looking back, it’s hard to imagine that I was the same person. But I really didn’t know better. I truly believed that I had to do everything I could to please someone in a professional environment. I was agreeable, I did everything people asked, and I had really no boundaries. And there was really… no point. You could make lots of arguments as to what the point was, but I was honestly just perpetuating negative behavior. And I should have been responsible enough to stop it.
Because negativity and negative behavior comes in so many different ways/forms, and can be so integrated into your life (particularly if you’re in fear of repercussion), it can be easy to get tangled up in it. It’s important to not just remain vigilant of these types of experiences, but also align/connect with your own intuition and sense of peace. This will really be the driving factor for you moving forward. Life experiences, and even negative people, can wrap you up in their own world to the point where you literally see life through their eyes. I would try to make a list of warning signs you’re in this situation, but it can be so expansive. I’ll just say… if you have no sense of peace, it’s likely that you’re in a highly negative situation. Whatever you ideate, whatever you believe in, your goals/dreams, they can be accomplishable/achievable. Even if it’s simply to “feel” a certain way. You are virtually entitled to anything and everything in this lifetime, particularly the way that you feel. I’m not saying you won’t have to work to get there, but it’s our right.
SO what is the metaphysics behind this entire topic? It’s loosely wrapped up in projection, in karma, and the addition/subtraction the way that negativity works.
Let’s talk through/walk through an example. Someone incarnates here on earth and goes through a series of negative experiences. They ultimately do not acknowledge or accept these experiences (they allow themselves to be wrapped up in guilt/shame and compartmentalize the energy) and it ultimately sticks around in their body which acts as a prism in which they see the world. This is likely through fear, anger and negativity. They ultimately attract similar situations as a result of it, unintentionally. Because we’re all just like attracting like. It’s somewhat of cruel irony.
The way that we transmute these negative experiences explains why two different people can go through the same experience and have very different “effects” from it. It’s not about the experience itself, it’s about the transmission of energy.
It’s our natural inclination to work through this energy, but sometimes we need a little bit of help. This is why we, again, unintentionally perpetuate these problems and “secretly” look for ways to resolve it. If we have gone through abuse, not dealt with the trauma, and unintentionally go on to abuse others, while it’s not an accepted form of healing/therapy, it may ultimately lead to it happening. We keep perpetuating this energy to the point where it must be thrown right back into our faces. Sometimes, however, the damage is done and there is no “resolve”. This is ultimately somewhat the concept of karma.
When we project energy onto others, it’s because in some way shape or form, we are inhabiting it ourselves. We are looking to get rid of it, we are passing this energy through our own negative prisms. We are what we… are. And what we project.
It can be really easily to take things personally, and maybe we are totally entitled to do that, but when we remember this concept, sometimes we can be a little bit more forgiving. And forget forgiving, we can also allow ourselves not to get too wrapped up in our ego.
If we receive negative feedback from someone and internalize it, we are letting that person have control over ourselves. Their thoughts/feelings or emotions “live” inside of our body in a negative way. True forgiveness helps us in the long run. And it’s not about having the other person say sorry, it’s about our own acknowledgement and acceptance of these energies.
The true answer here is that… getting out of our own egos. Yes, it’s true that we are wonderful, brilliant and completely in control of our own selves (and need to be held responsible), we’re also just energetic beings only marked by our specific physical experiences. We’re just fractals of energetic source. And we beat ourselves up way too much. We’re not perfect because we are not supposed to be perfect. We’re supposed to be the energetic intention of class consciousness. So when someone makes us feel bad, they’re just making themselves feel bad. And if it’s specific enough, it’s because they probably feel that way themselves.