264. Avoid Psychological Effects From Spiritual TikTok


It’s been a hot topic lately: Psychosis with spiritual TikTok. It doesn’t have to be just TikTok, it can be really any internet “hole” in which you find yourself obsessed with, over inundating yourself with, or overly believing in, to the point where you feel such a strong connection with these beliefs or practices, it somewhat “runs” your life, or interrupts it/guides it in a way which is unhealthy or not beneficial. In certain cases, particularly with those who are struggling with mental health, it can cause detrimental effects such as periods of psychosis. A someone who’s been on the verge, if not experienced it directly, I’ll share a little bit about these potential experiences and how to avoid them.

So what type of information can lead to psychosis? In my opinion, it’s quite literally anything which has a significant affect or intended effect on someone’s life. In other words, you are in a state or space in which you have limited control over your thoughts, feeling sand emotions, to the point where you’re either being overly influenced by information, exploited by information, or simply “giving” your energy away to a situation, allowing it to influence you in an extreme way.

So what brings people to this point, or why are they attracted to spiritual TikTok? Really any number of reasons. For someone who is lacking connection with reality or their perceived reality, the ambiguity and seeming “answers” of spiritual TikTok is a huge attraction for many people. Considering how expansive spirituality is, from aliens to ghosts to crystals, etc. It pretty much leaves room for anyone and everyone. And that’s thoroughly the point. However, this also means that those with a warped sense of reality who are not receiving treatment are also finding their safe space. Don’t get me wrong, everybody needs their safe space, but with its lack of rules and boundaries, it can certainly perpetuate a lot of warped mentalities and negativity.

Part of the “promise” of spirituality is to offer you a sense of purpose, “answers”, alignment, etc. But what most people don’t understand is that it’s accessible to anyone and everyone, meaning you don’t need to follow a particular guru or guide to get there. In fact, it’s likely more helpful for you to case a wide variety of different people, dogmas or ideologies. This way you can discern what’s right for you. 

Adversely, if you’re not looking to a guru, but simply practices in general, you can still certainly over inundate yourself if you’re not prepared for what you’re getting into.

So here’s my opinion. Regarding spirituality: none of these practices and beliefs are inherently difficult or even dangerous. The dissonance comes when a particular belief or practices does not currently resonate with you or is just do outside of the realm of your current perception value or energetic existence. If we can imagine someone who popped up on earth, forcing them into a situation where they are existing in a different realm, it’s incredibly disorienting. One could make an argument that simply the idea or exposure of these mind-altering beliefs of practices are inherently “dangerous” are likely those who believe that any and all exposure to what’s out there in life is dangerous. It’s simply not just reality, but “truth” of our being. The intention of all of these practices is to gain knowledge, information, wisdom, clarity and validation. And when done in the right way, it’s life changing. As I go throughout my personal practices with spirituality, I would argue I have about a 95% success rate in terms of overall happiness, healing and equal energetic exchange amongst my clients.

As you go throughout your spiritual journey, there are lots of pieces of advice. Here’s the breakdown:

Have a sense of peace and grace with answers you’re not supposed to know the answer to. It’s somewhat counterintuitive to say that spirituality provides all “answers”, yet there are some answers you don’t have the answer to. I mean, how could that be the case. In a world, we do have somewhat of the “answers”, but a lot of times we are shielded from them because they are blatantly counteracting our intended experience here on earth. In other words, if we knew anything and everything which was supposed to happen to us, we would negate the entire point of us being here, and we wouldn’t be here.

Practice holistic healing. Spirituality is one piece of a puzzle. If we were nebulous beings in a different dimension, spirituality is likely all that we need. But we’re in a matrixed reality. Meaning you need to support all pillars of your life. This is why it’s important to seek out licensed professional help with any and all needs. I personally am a strong believer in science, of course interjected with spirituality, but nevertheless, I support it. Consider that your energetic body is like a buoy or a giant web. When you lift one area/aspect of your life, others “buoy up” along with it.

Work on building confidence/sense of control. The main theme here is that you lack control in your life, so you’re seeking it out in other areas. Not a bad thing, and happens to many of us at different times. But if you don’t have this strong sense of confidence or control, you have not only nothing to lean back on, but you have no foundation which can act as your filter for discernment. Strongly consider working on these other themes in combination. While there’s no real “answer” here, it’s simply to start small so you can work your way up. Work on facing fears and getting yourself out of your comfort zone with tasks and experiences related to these overarching concepts and themes.

Avoid shortcuts when you haven’t resolved your current energetic state. Granted, there are certainly some things which will send a jolt through your system, particularly if we’re talking about substances or major, life altering experiences. But they are designated as energy ‘breakers” and not to be used as a consistent crutch related to your connection to spirituality. “Shortcuts” aren’t really a thing. Because there’s no “shortcut” to healing. If we imagine that timelines and energetic paths and trajectories are real and can be deduced in physical form, it’s not like you can “shortcut” matter and existence. Having this expectation can level set your expectations and ensure that you avoid any potentially dangerous situation that make promises which are “too good to be true”. A good guide is to measure your levels of discomfort. Discomfort is almost always needed on your growth and healing journey, pain is a warning, and suffering is a humungous red flag. You should always be striving for a level of peace. Often times you can’t see the peace “light at the end of the tunnel”, but keep looking for it/searching for it. Better yet, set the intention for it. Intention setting is our base level of a sense of control.

Avoid energetic resonance which is way too big of a jump. If you are completely/incredibly new on your spiritual journey, do not do something which is at an expert level. Consider that it’s not that you’re not strong enough to “handle it”, it’s that your current vibration is so alarmingly different from what you’re about to potentially experience, it could literally short-circuit your brain. To avoid this, particularly if you are doing something which is very much out of your comfort zone, work your way up to it with smaller/less intense experiences. If this isn’t possible, really access your intuition to ensure that this is right, and on top of that, be sure to schedule these experiences so that your body has enough time to adjust to the new vibration you’re about to experience.

Avoid expansion of mind body and spirit without consulting research higher self etc. This is somewhat obvious but often times overlooked. Ask for signs that the decisions you’re about to make or the experiences that you’re about to encounter are for your highest good. You can simply “ask” your guides out loud or in your mind. Just because you hear someone persuasive convincing you to do something, does not mean that it’s necessarily right for you.

Acknowledgement that answers always come from within. Others can help assist or guide, but you cannot release this power to allow control over yourself. Your journey priority is not accessing the answer but accessing a level of peace with acceptance. We are consistently working with lack of answers and the conditions of free will of yourself, as well as the universe at large. Work on “letting go” of preconceived notions or the idea/fallacy that you will have all of the answers, particularly the idea that you will spontaneously reach a level of peace overnight. This takes time, and having too big/grand of expectations will prevent you from taking small, actionable steps to get there. And be okay with the idea of discomfort, and the sensation of it. Practice discomfort each and every day in a way that is practical and makes sense.


265. Does Time Exist?


263. Why We’re Afraid To Unify