263. Why We’re Afraid To Unify


This certainly is not a new topic, but it’s definitely exacerbated when the collective is in times of distress or stress. In some ways, it can also be the opposite. When there’s “space”, we notice that the negativity which has somewhat gone into “hiding” truly comes out. Much of the lack of unification is illustrated in fights and tensions with others, particularly war. But it doesn’t always have to be physical. We know that thoughts, feelings and emotions come into play, particularly with legislation. It can be challenging and seemingly impossible for the collective to unify on a particular topic. In most recent times, the dichotomy with treatment or even acknowledgement of COVID certainly comes to mind.

But why is this the case? Should we just chalk people up to being obstinate? It’s possible, but there must be some type of deeper forces at play.

Let’s first consider what unification is. I find that unification can be played out mentally, emotionally, physically but more importantly, spiritually. In my opinion, in a hypothetically “evolved” world, we would all be aligned spiritually, however we would manifest these spiritual impressions differently mentally/emotionally and physically. In other words, we would be moving in the same direction as a conscious collective, but we would still retain a vast amount of difference/specialties and creativity. I suppose that the term “unification” can be defined in so many ways, but we could largely chalk it up to generalized support, love, help and healing of others. We can also note that there’s a sense of “alignment” energetically, and although in difference, we’re generally moving forward in the same direction, as we generally share the same “vision” of ourselves as a collective and the world that we exist in.

Sounds great, right? So why are we having so many issues unifying?

I find that this is more of an interpersonal issue than we think. Yes, it’s true that our issues expand way beyond ourselves. It involves the physical world very much so, as well as the earth that we live on. Animals, nature, items and objects. But if we consider that anything and everything is a physical manifestation or spiritual source, it all really comes down to us at the end of the day. “Us” temporarily being ourselves, but in larger part, ourselves as a conscious collective.

If we do truly want to unify, why do we put up so many blocks and walls for ourselves? Why do we hate each other? Why are we so adamant on thinking that we are right? Do we not realize that we’re theoretically getting nowhere?

I think that part of this, at least in the culture of the United States, rests on the fact that we are encouraged to be expressive, passionate and decisive individuals. In a capitalist society, we must “survive” with our instincts and pursuing them. We can certainly become intimidated or afraid if someone else or something else attacks our livelihood. We are truly thinking of ourselves at the end of the day, even if it’s wrapped up with the good of the collective. With so many people on this planet, is it even possible to unify?

The answer has to be a resounding yes, due to our large energetic connection. Despite all of our problems and issues, it’s somewhat of a miracle that we as a species have not completely annihilated ourselves. We, for the most part, exist in a functioning society, much larger beyond the capacity I ever would have anticipated, if you consider our problems/issues and faults.

Let’s circle back to spirituality and unification. Logic would state that if we are all part of the conscious collective, there would be no reason besides lack of connection to spirituality which would prevent us from aligning. Perhaps in a world we are so overtaken by negative energy (which we want to stay overtaken) that we truly and deeply do not care about our connection to spirituality, but it would really perpetuate massive problems and issues for us, so I would say it’s not likely the case.

Let’s talk about disconnection from spirituality. Why? I don’t imagine that many people want to be disconnected from their intuition and spirituality as a whole, but sometimes it’s just a natural byproduct of life. After all, we are in a matrixed reality. Meaning that we do not know anything and everything that goes on on the other side. I do believe that fear is the primary blocker of alignment to intuition (as well as over abundance of negative energy). In the instance of too much negative energy, our filter is warped in regards to our intuition, meaning that we may get wrong or incorrect impressions which are likely more self-serving than productive or proactive in terms of pushing forward the human race. Hard to believe that that can be the case you are so self-serving that you’re preventing the human race from moving forward. Kind of shit. Anyway.

There is a large abundance of fear in terms of accessing your intuition. Intuition is truth, and we can certainly be in a long, ever-evolving loop for a very long time. When we do access our intuition, our world is incredibly disrupted. We may lose things which are dear to us, we may need to re-navigate our world-view and life. As someone who’s intuition opened up mid-way through this lifetime, I can tell you that it is not pleasant and not for the weak-minded.

So what are closing thoughts? People are afraid to unify, quite frankly because they’re afraid of truth and their own intuition. They’re afraid of lack fo self preservation. If we consider that we are fractaled human beings in this lifetime, we are very much afraid of the unknown. One would think that we would want to be whole, but fear of the unknown (and failure) is one of the most pervasive fears that we deal with as a species.

Keep in mind that we are much more like each other than we think. There’s a tendency for us to feel that we are out there alone in the universe. But I do believe that the comfort of knowing we are all connected can, at the end of the day, help us overcome any and all fears that we face.


264. Avoid Psychological Effects From Spiritual TikTok


262. How To Trigger Love