270. Unexpected Indicators Of Psychic Ability
Although my intuition actually blossomed when I was in my late 20’s, there were certainly some “signs” in my youth which in hindsight, pointed to being intuitive, or simply were intuitive. But they were never things that would be searchable, you know? Every time I hear about psychic indicators it’s more aligned to prophecies, repeated numbers. Maybe even your name being called. But there’s less emphasis on more abstract scenarios, situations or even concepts and themes. So here are some examples of not only my experiences, but what I perceive to be somewhat common experiences of the collective. Just because you don’t know you’re psychic, doesn’t mean you aren’t! Keep in mind this isn’t a total list. The best way to dive more deeply into your psychic skills is to practice, research and seek out communities with a similar interest. You may also want to keep track of different things which appear/seem to be psychic abilities to see if you can analyze patterns. Just as every single person is different, every single person is a different psychic or has a combination of different psychic abilities.
Interest in intuition/channeling or psychic ability. If you have an interest in a topic, it doesn’t mean you’re automatically destined to fulfill it wholeheartedly, but it is one of the most obvious signs.
Strong sense of resonation or feeling with different places. This goes beyond “reading the room”. Do you like or dislike certain physical spaces? Personally I hated certain restaurants when I was little, and I had no idea why. I realized afterwards that I was simply picking up the energy there. I’m sure that many can resonate with the idea of liking or disliking certain places. Sometimes you just don’t know why. I find that it can be a combination of the geolocation energy of a certain place, as well as the people who frequent it, even if they’ve passed.
A heightened sense of connection with others. Can you feel “magic” with others when you’re around them? As if time has passed? Perhaps you feel strongly that you knew them from a past life. Sense of love, ability and magic. As if time ceases to stop. This is a higher level of consciousness outside of the matrix.
Perceptive of your surroundings in a way which may or make not make sense. Are you dazing off in a certain direction? Did something catch your eye which wasn’t there? Distractions from “nothing” can indicate psychic ability. Reason being is that you may be subconsciously tapping into source energy. You could also be staring in a direction which has a particular energy or entity living in its place/space.
Feeling deeply. Are you deeply connected to yourself in meditate/yoga or even exercise practices? Is your body particularly sensitive? Perhaps you may have a high pain tolerance, but you “know” when or if something is off or what you need to work on. Feeling deeply doesn’t mean you are a crier, or that you ruminate. It means that certain things can move you particularly deeply, such as music or film.