274. Creativity Is Spiritual
Michael Jackson once said, “‘You don’t understand — if I’m not there to receive these ideas, God might give them to Prince” in reference to creativity. He is referencing, and paraphrasing another quote, that he has “nothing to do with” the creative process, and that it’s “god’s” work, not mine.
Regardless of your belief in a god, his quote is profound, and it aligns with metaphysics.
Who can really say what the creative process is, after all? It falls under the mystery of consciousness. In other words, AI or a robot can’t do it, but we can. What’s the difference? while a robot may generate a poem which is relevant, only humans can generate thoughts, feelings and emotions which resonate. There’s something “different”. In our sense, we can push forward evolution because we can energetically connect with the collective. AI and robots on the other hand, can only mimic, share or repopulate it.
How can we mark true progress, though? is there even a way? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps it’s soul fulfillment. Perhaps it’s the pursuit of knowledge. Perhaps it’s just relevant to any and each person.
Regardless, we cannot deny the fact that there’s something “unknown”, spiritual, or “greater” than ourselves regarding spirituality.
From my perspective, creativity is kind of like how it’s portrayed in Disney’s movie, “Soul”. When the characters “zone out”, they travel to an unconscious place which has unlimited information and creativity. When they’re able to access this place, they can bring it back to earth and share it with the rest of the collective.
So why is this an important conversation? Well, it goes far beyond the “mystery” of consciousness.
If creativity is spiritual, we can consider that we are simply a vessel for spirituality. And that all creativity exists, and we are not the creators ourselves, but simply the manifestors and even the organizers of this information. It can first take the pressure off of us to be “creative geniuses”, and simply rebrand ourselves as “creative channelers”. After all, what is channeling creativity but channeling energetic information?
One could assume that not being creative is simply a denial of their own intuition. I suppose it can also be a larger problem with what the collective deems acceptable or brilliant as “creative”, but considering we’re all interconnected, I sense this isn’t the case. And if it is, you likely just have the wrong audience.
If we all share the same conscious collective, and we’re all currently in a matrixed reality, we all have access to spiritual information.
I suppose the more interesting question is what is creativity? Is it simply anything and everything that exists beyond this realm of understanding, and this energetic dimension? Possibly. But how and why are we channeling it?
I wonder if a game like “The Sims” can clue us in. As a user of the Sims, you’re essentially acting somewhat as a god, a creator, and even a spirit guide who is way too heavily involved. The characters in this game live unburdened by this type of consciousness interjection. But when we as players do intervene, we’re able to contribute a larger, holistic understanding in order for them to achieve their perceived goals. Of course, this imbalance is certainly not descriptive of the universe, unless we happen to consider ourselves to be their higher selves, but, alas, we could theorize that creative information is somewhat like this. Although we have any and all understandings of “life” so to speak, we still have to channel it and funnel it into the game somehow. This is kind of a mini-matrix in itself. Hopefully, our goal is to create a better, more flourishing environment. To pursue our own vision. Inevitably, we sometimes pursue murder through removing a ladder in a pool, but that’s besides the point.
How does one activate this creativity or spiritual connection? If creativity is spiritual information, it must abide by the same laws of aligning to intuition. Perhaps the difference is intention setting. That you want to be more creative and channel more creativity. In the meantime, you may be blocking yourself from doing so. I do feel that some people simply incarnate here in this lifetime to use more creativity than others, so it’s likely that they will have a clearer channel, naturally. As this will be their guiding source of how to fulfill their life purpose and what to be doing. But with that said, creativity is simply just… creation. And everyone and anyone should and does have access to it.
Consider your relationship with creativity. Is it spiritual? Why or why not? I don’t think there’s any wrong answers. But consider this as you move forward in life, if you want to bridge the gap between your perception of both creativity and spirituality. I think that there’s a marriage there, even if they aren’t considered the same thing. Perhaps they’re mutually exclusive, or perhaps they’re not. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to get all of the answers, but in the meantime, might as well leverage all the information you got.