275. The Perfect Relationship From A Spiritual POV


Let’s get one thing straight: I am not a relationship guru. I’m not even in a relationship (although admittedly, I do find single people to often times have the best advice). I simply just channel energy, and channel it out of my perspective. But here’s how I feel about relationships:

One more note… Relationships are as different as there are different people. Nothing is the same, and these rules are at times, meant to be broken. But I think this can provide an interesting and intuitive framework for your relationships going forward. Consider that although I am primarily discussing romantic relationships, this can really go for any other relationships that you have. Perhaps even professional ones!

It was out one afternoon at a late lunch/early dinner when I discovered something interesting. Dozing off, I discovered that I could read people’s energetic bodies as “grids”. All these different lines moving up and down and side to die. It felt like we were these unique math equations, or almost like puzzle pieces. And I realized at this point, we are an amalgamation of different parts, and our unique characteristics certainly are unique to us here in this particular incarnation or lifetime. But what does it mean? Well, besides just that, we are likely attracting others based on this. Whether we’re attracting people who are like us, or attracting people who are quite obvious to us. I find that we tend to attract people who are lie us when we need to refine and refresh our skills. But when we attract people whoa re very different from us, it’s the universe’s way of telling us that we have moved forward with our lessons and there’s more out there to learn and be challenged by.

So let’s talk about the two important considerations when we’re talking about compatibility and likeness as a whole:

Number 1 is our “god” or resonate energy. This is essentially our “soul”. Our soul is its own energy, so to speak. It’s what exists, although in a matrixed reality, still a part of our higher selves. Our “oversoul” so to speak. It’s still unique in its relationship to the universe, our past, present and future lives, etc. We know on a fundamental level that each of our soul’s are unique, even though we are all a part of source energy. It’s important that we resonate with other people’s souls. In other words, we want to find people who are like us in this sense, because these people will bring us back to a comfort and feeling of home, while we go through this matrixed reality. These are people we have an unspeakable connection with. It can’t really be described. It’s just a feeling. And although feelings will change and maybe even falter sometimes, the feeling should be marked by a sense of grace, comfort and peace.

Number 2 is our “puzzle” grid. This is similar to what I was speaking about, and is primarily on a physical level. I find that our “physical” parts are based on our biology, our environmental experiences, as well as our perception value, which can be shaped and warped by several things, including our relationships in this lifetime, as well as perhaps even astrological energy. It’s everything and anything that’s relatable to this particular physical lifetime. You theoretically want someone who’s grid is slightly opposing, but adjacent to yours. In other words, you do not want the exact physical incarnation of yourself. Your strengths will be their strengths, and vice versa for weaknesses. You want a supportive role in a physical sense. You want to essentially compliment each other so that you can accomplish and achieve more. Of course you likely don’t want to be so opposite that you have absolutely nothing in common, but the intention and the point is so that you both can challenge each other and pick up the slack where one or the other person is lacking.

Does this play out in your life? Consider your relationships and if this aligns. But most importantly, consider if there’s an equal energetic exchange. That’s what prevails all. I suppose that depending on your particular purpose in this lifetime, you may have one or more of the other above. Try to seek out relationships which fit this ideology, if you haven’t yet experienced. Just to try! You might find that something is illuminating or particularly helpful for you going forward.


276. Can You Live Multiple Lives At Once?


274. Creativity Is Spiritual