277. There Can Never Be Nothing


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it a million times. It should creep us out much more than it does to think of the fact that there can never be nothing. So what does this mean? Or what do I mean?

When we incarnate on this planet, we have the perception value that “this is it”. We only have this one experience to inform our entire concept and ideologies about not just the world, but about the universe. From our perspective, life begins and ends with our birth and death. Why would it be relevant after?

It’s understandable, and I don’t blame people for thinking so. I do feel that even spiritual people fall into this trap. We really are quite tied to our egos. Why wouldn’t we be? There’s only one person that’s looking out for us. Besides channeling and leaning into empathy, we really don’t have any idea of the perception value of other people around us, nevertheless any and all inter-dimensional beings which may or may not exist.

But here’s the thing. Even if we perceive that life goes on without us, and certainly has been going on quite a long time, our minds somewhat prevent us from realizing that time is infinite. It has no beginning and end. It always is. How do we know this? Well, we do know that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transmuted. So infinite is the only thing that energy can exist as.

On top of that, we must always have “something”. Whether it’s light or lack of, color or lack of, space or lack of, etc. Even a black void is still… a black void. It’s still a thing. Even a white room is still a white room. The properties of energy make it so that nothing can ever not exist.

It’s somewhat of an overwhelming thought. If time has no start and end, then you don’t either. You are forever. There was never a time when/where you weren’t.

There’s something comforting in stops and starts. How can you remotely process “forever” and infinity. It doesn’t really make any sense. Yet, it’s true.

It’s true that we are not going to exist as we are now, forever. But I do truly believe we have the choice to continue to incarnate onto either this planet, or one similar. I do believe that there are hundreds, if not thousands of like dimensions similar to earth. That was one of the first things I learned when I started channeling.

I do feel that reframing our perspective to “forever-ness” can be helpful. Perhaps it puts us in a sense of peace and grace for the moment. No matter what happens, there always will be. Existence will always be. No matter what.

When I think about my work, I sometimes struggle with what I perceive to be “truth”. I have a certain feeling about what is truth, and it’s adverse to the rest of the collective. I think about my past lives and how viscerally I feel them. How I felt tortured, in pain, not believed and in the face of adversity, constantly. A lot of times this trauma haunts me, and I never want to speak. There’s a lot of fear there. But it makes me feel comfortable that no matter what, this truth, or any ruth will always prevail. It’s simply the collective’s natural instinct to stop and block it. And maybe… I’m okay with that.


278. Is Being On Earth A Punishment?


276. Can You Live Multiple Lives At Once?