278. Is Being On Earth A Punishment?


This has been an interesting topic, and I’ve seen it come up once or twice. I hate to say it, but the general consensus currently is… yes. There are definitely some people out there who feel that life is a gift, and they are certainly the evolved souls I suspect everyone is striving to be. But we’re kind of suffering right now, as a collective. So no matter what “decision” there is at the end of this reading, there’s ultimate empathy and sympathy for those going through a hard time. I know that myself and others a part of the collective can certainly relate.

I suppose the first place to start is… why do we incarnate? I can sum this up in a few different words. We are essentially here to learn, evolve and grow. Otherwise we just… wouldn’t be here. I strongly believe that all energy has intention. And our intention to incarnate on this planet has to be for a certain reason.

The question which I think is on a lot of people’s minds is… do we incarnate to suffer? I strongly feel that we are never intended to suffer. We are intended to go through and experience discomfort and pain, but we can avoid suffering by working through our pain in a strategic and efficient way.

I think that earth being a punishment would only make sense if you intended to incarnate with it being a punishment. The fact of the matter is, despite the negative experiences that we go through, there’s no denial of general life and experience opportunities. While some are more limited, many have full freedoms in their life, to do what they want. It’s hard to imagine that this would be a punishment.

Our society is plagued with problems, however. And I don’t blame the sentiment.

If we’re being completely honest, we are in the third dimension. Considering 1-12, we are quite lower on the scale. In other words, we’re far from enlightenment. So the thought pattern makes sense.

Here’s the problem. If we have the mindset that earth is “hell” and a punishment for us, it’s likely that we will train our brains to see the world this way, and it won’t be particularly helpful. Even if it’s a fleeting thought, sometimes our thoughts become our laws. I would strongly recommend a reframing of your perspective, or intention setting to perceive that this life isn’t a punishment.

I do feel that people who are particularly burdened by negative energy without a way to solve it, are more likely to perceive their life as a punishment. They’re trapped, and they’re lost. It makes sense. However, if anyone and everyone was armed with how to release negative energy, I do feel the world will be a better place.

Even if you are struggling, there’s no doubt that through your experiences, you’ve observed the true definition of peace, love and happiness. It’s out there in the world. As a result, earth is certainly not a hell. But I do believe it can be a punishment, if you’re interested in punishing yourself. There’s no god out there who wants to punish you. We are our own gods, and we have full manifestation ability here in this lifetime. Even if this is a negative thought cycle you’ve been perpetuating for a long time, I’m here to tell you that you can have a new perspective, and you can change! The time is now.


279. Why It’s Helpful To Move As You Do Things


277. There Can Never Be Nothing