279. Why It’s Helpful To Move As You Do Things
Everyone seems to have their own fidget movements. When you’re sitting in one place for too long, you tend to get anxious or uncomfortable. But why?
The easiest way to explain this is that your body is made up of energy. In my opinion, you have a “source” energy which is essentially your consciousness, but you’re also made up of lots of different types of energies as well. This includes, at times, energy that you’re holding on from other people, places and things. The universe. You’re truly an amalgamation of parts.
I would argue that the “clearer channel” that you have, the more likely you’re able to rest peacefully in one place. But I really think it depends on how much energy you’re processing at a given moment, which can depend person to person.
Regardless of how clear your channel is, we’ve all go energy, and typically, lots of it. Again, some we’re inhabiting, some we’re channeling, or some we’re just over inundated by. I’m sure you can recall a time where someone’s energy around you made you uncomfortable, and you became awkward and fidgety.
When we move, we’re essentially doing work to clear this channel. Energy, while always moving, tends to “live” in parts of our body in which we don’t use. This is typically why it’s so uncomfortable when we don’t move for quite a while. It’s just sitting there. Adversely, when we’re consistently moving and stretching, we tend to feel better. Our bodies are kind of like energetic washing machines in that sense.
So what is the plus side of moving? We can sometimes “automatically” release old, negative or stagnant energy. Things which don’t belong to us. This clearer channel makes energy move through and “clean” our bodies a bit easier.
While this is primarily a physical discussion, consider that thoughts, feelings and emotions are also energy, and can also take up space. I’m sure you’ve heard several times that going to the gym, running or exercising can “clear your mind”. This, in my opinion, isn’t just a phrase, but reality.
If we, for example, are overthinking a bunch, moving around can clear things which no longer serve us out of our mind. It’s kind of like how it’s hard to catch a person if they’re moving. It’s hard for this old, negative or stagnant energy to stick to us, if we’re moving as well.
Now the question is, can you move too much? It’s technically possible to not just move too much in a physical sense which can be detrimental or damaging, but also in a metaphysical sense. Rest allows us to become “one” with ourself. It’s true that sometimes people can use physical activity as a distraction from seeing the larger picture or the point. So you certainly don’t want to fall into this category.
However, I find that with our primary responsibilities being more sedentary as a whole, this isn’t really something that I’m worried about on a collective level.
I find it interesting because I also do Reiki healing, where you use your hands to “move” energy throughout the body. Although the client is stationary, the practitioner moves it for them. The movement and patterns of energy are really fascinating, and I’m sure there’s much more to say about this topic.
Use movement to create clarity of mind, body and spirit. “Move” energy through you with your body. And feel free to lean into intuitive exercise. Consider what your body is craving and/or needs. This can even be from a dietary perspective.