284. What I Learned About Life Being Intuitive


I recorded a TikTok where I mentioned all of the major overarching concepts and themes that I learned when my intuition opened up. They were primarily spiritual downloads. And it went like this:

Love and hate are not the two forces of the universe: Love and fear are. This life is truly a blip on the radar in terms of your soul’s energetic trajectory. Literally anything can happen. We are so in our own egos (not to be confused with an inflated ego), we just overthink everything way too much. We can manifest and create anything. Everything has an overarching concept and theme, particularly physical things. This is virtually how we find the solution to all of our problems. Dead people just want to be heard and have their energy transmuted, particularly negative energy. The more I know about alive people, the more I think it’s the same thing. Negative entities are real and they can attach to us, however, any conscious piece of energy is an entity, it doesn’t have to be personified. We’re so afraid of external demons, we should be much more afraid of our own selves. I think we are, we just don’t realize it, and it’s called projection. Our goal as fractaled beings is to become and feel more whole. We don’t need to be with someone for that to happen, we just need connection. I always say you can live the most beautiful life alone, so long as you’re connected. When we can reframe our negative experiences for what they truly were and are, in other words getting out of our ego to see the true learning lesson and point, we will be literally unstoppable: We will be able to transmute guilt and shame. You have anything and everything you have right here, right now. No one can physically give you love, they can only trigger it inside of you.

Reflecting upon this time in my life makes me emotional. At first, there was a lot of trauma associated with it. I was not just scared, but petrified. I felt like I was losing my sense of reality. I had no idea what my future would bring, and kind of a loss of hope. But more importantly, my reflection was not just this initial, traumatic experience. It was learning and re-learning how to be myself, and everything and anything about life. For every negative experience I had, a beautiful one inevitably overshadowed it. And that perspective reframe was most important.

I kind of sit here today at a loss of words. I don’t know how to encapsulate my experiences from then until now. I don’t know what I would say is the most important thing to share with the collective. It’s probably just to be yourself. Being yourself is such a trite phrase, but maybe it’s the truth that we not only need, but what will set us free from most of our problems and worries. Yes it’s only a phrase, but maybe it’s indirectly an action, as it’s somewhat of an intention. Maybe following our heart and our gut leads us to the success we always wanted. Or maybe even the success we could have never dreamed of. Being ourself is really all we have got, after all.

I would encourage everyone to reflect on their experiences and learning lessons in this lifetime. Perhaps if you don’t, you may be doomed to repeat it. But what’s the use in not? There’s so much talk about reflecting on your life upon your death and after. Why not start the process already? If the most important thing you can do at the moment of your death is to reflect on your life, why aren’t we doing it sooner? What are we hiding from ourselves? Maybe the term rose colored glasses is such a term because when you look back on experiences of your life, you see the real truth. The truth beyond the frustration, guilt, shame and anger. You just see what it was. What you may have been too stupid or arrogant to see when it was happening.


285. Self-Responsibility Is A Domino Effect


283. Why Music Is Integral