286. Your Energetic Resonance Matters


I suspect this will be a short post, but we’ll see where life takes us.

I posted a TikTok regarding everyone’s individual energetic resonance. By thatI mean… the energy that every person is currently inhabiting. This might be a combination of their physical energetic resonance, as well as their ‘soul”, or their true essence.

My perspective was that the the universe, including our earth (inevitably a part of the universe, of course) prioritizes balance. I think that often times we get caught up in the chaos, even in our environment. There’s a lot of times things are perceived to be out of alignment. But realistically, it’s just the universe and the earth trying to balance itself out. As we continue to exist and evolve, it’s just a natural part of life.

We can see this delicate balance in nature, but also in ourselves. We feel most at peace when we’re balanced. And even when we do things which may seem off-balance, there’s a deeper, subconscious need for balance. Even if we want to go skydiving, it’s simply because we just need this adrenaline and fun to be more balanced and at peace.

I do truly believe that we incarnate here with intention. In other words, we choose to be here on earth, and we choose determine how and what we’re going to be. Although much of this is found out as we’re living life, we certainly have a “pla” so to speak, when we get here.

As we know, the universe prioritizes balance, meaning that the universe prioritizes you being here on earth. That’s right.. whatever you’ve got, you’re offering, whatever you simply “are”, is that earth needs right now. You’re the missing piece of this entire equation. Through this large web, you are the butterfly effect of anything and everything going on in this world. Of course, you can be responsible for it going right or wrong, but needless to say, you’re here on quite a bit of borrowed time, meaning that the universe expects you to make something of yourself and contribute. Now, I know I’m getting quite stressful, but it’s kind of neat to think that… your energetic vibration is so wanted and special, that you’re wanted right here and right now. And when your energy leaves, there’s a hole in the energetic force. Perhaps the universe will try to replace you, but it never quite can, because of how unique we all are. How do I know we’re all so unique? Because each and every one of us has such incredible, unique experiences that it’s impossible to duplicate/copy another person, or another energetic vibration. And I think that’s pretty cool.

The opportunities are kind of endless with this information. Hopefully it can bring you a sense of not just peace, but importance as well. You matter! and the universe, god, or whoever you want thinks you should be here. Keep your hope, optimism and faith alive. And if you’re struggling with gratitude, be grateful that you get to be a part of and contribute at this point and place in time. Life is really what you make it.


287. You’re More Impacted By Those Close To You Than You Think


285. Self-Responsibility Is A Domino Effect