287. You’re More Impacted By Those Close To You Than You Think


I feel like subconsciously we know and understand this. But it is interesting to see los of fear and chaos surrounding “the unknown” and strangers. To an extent, I do feel like evil eye and other crystals, etc. fall into this. You have no idea where your next threat is coming from, so you ought to be prepared. And let me tell you… I get it, and I do subscribe to it. But there’s something more pressing that not a lot of people want to talk about.

While strangers and random things can have substantial “impact” effects on us, it’s often times uncommon for it to. be constant. There’s lots of ways we can be impacted by our environment mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As an example, I often times think of a negative comment on social media. Depending on your mood, this particular comment may substantially affect you. It could bring down your mood for the rest of the day. Maybe it can affect you for a day, or even a month. Depending on the content of the comment, it may actually steer you away from talking about particular conversations. If we’re talking about physical things, you could potentially get into an accident. Maybe your car was stolen. Again, these are impactful things but typically their effects don’t last longer than a couple or few months at most. And then we continue living our lives, and our lives are pretty similar to what they were before we started, usually.

On the other hand, we are incredibly intertwined with people who are close to us. Particularly our best friends, our romantic relationships, and our parents or siblings. It’s kind of hard to consider how closely tied to them we are, as we usually don’t know a life without them. This is why it’s so traumatic to us if/when they’re gone.

If we break down the relationships that we have, often times there is a lot of positive that comes from them. But even in good relationships, there can be a lot of negative as well. Often times our learning lessons are challenged, and we as people are triggered. A lot goes on.

In abusive and toxic situations, we typically do not see a dramatic even happen straight away, which is unlike the “stranger” description in the second paragraph. Often times this is manipulation which occurs very slowly over time. Your perception value is shifted, changed and warped. Often times you really can’t see yourself in another situation, and at worst, you can’t see yourself making it out on the other side. There’s a level of indoctrination related to not just this person and situations in your life, but yourself. Growing up and growing old with people, you are so intertwined, it can be challenging to know who you are without them.

Even if you’re in a healthy relationship, the amount of leverage people have who are close to you is significantly greater than a stranger. When you’re moving forward in your life and making major decisions, these are the people you consult or consider. Your energetic balance is heavily weighted with/by them. I truly believe that our connections with others do not just exist when and if we see them. They exist all the time, and they’re like these energetic cords. Perhaps you don’t necessarily share telepathy with them, but the energetic connection still exists. As a result, if your close connections are struggling, you may feel it. And likewise if your connections are successful, you may also be feeling good or inspired to move forward. Even if it isn’t precisely the same, you may find that you share similar concepts and themes with others. When we really look at our connections, we can often times find that their struggles are ours, they’re just masked or presented very differently. We are constantly and consistently trying to better ourselves, whether consciously or subconsciously, and the best way to do that is to have others trigger us. It’s kind of the perfect disguise of people.

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t be mindful of others who aren’t close to you. What I”m saying is that we often times defer our frustrations onto other people. How many times have you seen someone get angry at a service worker. It’s likely that they have pent up frustrations with their energetic connections, but they are bypassing it in some way shape or form. And that energy needs to go somewhere. So If you ever need to lash out on a stranger, consider who really might need the lashing out on. Not that you should do it, of course. But it’s good to figure out what/where it’s coming from. We are often times quick to make excuses for others. And other times, we may be paralyzed with lack of control, if we don’t have the skill or tools to fix our intimate relationships. But this anger and frustration always ends up bubbling up to the surface. It never really goes away, even if you ignore it perpetually.

You have to be really aware of the close connections that you have. And I”m not saying that you shouldn’t forgive, that you shouldn’t work through situations. If you’ve been given a close connections, it’s likely there for life. And if the connection isn’t, then the learning lesson is. But you do really want to be aware of the energies surrounding the connection. Protect yourself. Place boundaries if you need to. Observe the inner-workings of the connection. What are you offering? What are they offering? Is it equal? And how do you know? Sometimes we live in a very ambiguous world, and we have a very ambiguous life, and it can be helpful to have some action items, some things to work on. It can be helpful to know your place within your connections, as well. I would also recommend doing some soul contract meditations, if you’re interested. This can provide some extra insight and information regarding the true purpose of your connections.


288. The Significance Of Black & White


286. Your Energetic Resonance Matters