289. Stop Attacking People & Start Spreading Ideas


Ah yes, a common and important topic. To stop attacking people and start spreading ideas. I feel like there are a lot of entries into this conversation, so I’m going to share mine, first.

When I started posting content, I was absolutely petrified. I don’t know if it was my algorithm, or just the particular point and place in time, but it was savage. Maybe I just couldn’t take a joke. But people were being put on blast left and right. I gotta say, even though I have reasonably thick skin and I can take a joke, I was slightly traumatized at putting myself out there. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like a lot of these TikTok stitches and duets are just a form of bullying innocent people. Maybe it was this fear that blocked me, or my rigid beliefs, but I never wanted to piggyback off someone else’s work. Don’t get me wrong, some of my favorite content is stitched to others thoughts, opinions and ideas. After all, it’s building our intelligence and our storytelling. But I always just felt… opposed to it. I think because my ethos was so independent in nature, I never wanted to be a part of someone else’s thought or idea. I wanted mine to be completely autonomous. Maybe it’s a bit stupid to take all of that independence and control. And I have to say… it was often to my detriment. I am quite hard on myself. But I just… felt like it was right, at least at the time. And although this is a brilliant way for communities to engage with each other in the right context, there were/are a lot of negatives which potentially come along with it. As you can “multiply” the positives, you can extremely easily multiply the negatives, too. Rather than just going “viral”, your posts can get swept away and twisted up in others’ thoughts, feelings and emotions. And again, it’s not always a bad thing.

This speaks to an interesting concept in which I see. There are content creators who are more so those that comment on others thoughts, feelings and opinions, and there are others which are more original in their thoughts and delivery. I guess based on my explanation, I’m more so on the other end. And don’t get me wrong, we are incredibly affected by the world around us. To say that all of my thoughts and ideas are completely my own, would be completely negating all of the environmental influences that I’ve gone through/experienced in this lifetime. It’s kind of impossible to say so. 

I know this is kind of rambling, but stick with me. When we attack other people’s thoughts or ideas, or perhaps even in a positive way, we are adding and multiplying their story. Again, sometimes it’s a good thing, and sometimes it’s bad. But it’s all about the intention and the contribution. Ask yourself, are you contributing something negative, or positive? Maybe it’s a mix of both. But I look at it this way. It’s substantially harder to create something original, than to comment. It is interesting to see that commentary generally gets more likes and views. And I guess it makes sense, in some way. As a commenter, you’re able to provide insight on a variety of things. Original content is often times… challenging to source consistently. Maybe in some ways… the world needs both. After all, there’s some ideas which certainly need criticism and critique.

I think that it’s interesting to see both sides of the equation. But here’s what I’ll say. If you want to do the “work” to really start to shift, change and evolve the collective… do the work. Provide your original insight, thoughts and ideas. Even if they are controversial. It can be easy to fall into a trap and loop of consistent commentary, which can often times be redundant or even, dare I say, unnecessary at times, depending on how saturated the conversation already is.

So here’s what I’ll say. I challenge each and every one of us to be vulnerable, authentic, and spread out individual ideas, without the thought of anyone or anything else inhibiting you. Of course you can be inspired by other things, but reach deep down into your subconscious. What do you care about, truly? Not what will make you seem cool, fit or popular. What is it that you really want to share with the world? What is it you’re here to do? There’s so much inspiration out there, that at this point in time, it’s almost impossible not to spread ideas. Consider how it truly helps. You’re this… machine of ideas, information and creative source energy. It’s kind of cool if you ask me.

No matter what you decide, be sure that your commentary or your original idea(s) is intuitive, authentic and making the world a better place. It’s easy to project your own fears, insecurities and negativity onto other people and the world. But hope, healing and evolution starts with originality, creativity and authenticity.


290. What Alcatraz Taught Me


288. The Significance Of Black & White