288. The Significance Of Black & White
It’s no shock that dichotomy is a large part of what I do. I’m fascinated with fractals, with philosophy and anything and everything which hypothetically can be compartmentalized. Due dichotomy: The ultimate or “highest” compartments. I believe anything and everything has a place in this large divided web, and ultimately/eventually we all go back to two, which leads back to one. In this physical reality, there are lots of things which represent duality or dichotomy. Male/female, left/right, up/down, past/present, and “black and white”. These two different options on the scale or all types of light/no light as well as all types of color/no color are complete opposites. It’s even similar to day and night. Black and white is everything and anything ranging from pigments of colors to light to our skin tones, to our metaphoric conversations regarding dichotomy. We can even think of “yin and yang” which paints white as more so divine masculine, and black as divine feminine. It’s hard to imagine that divine feminine and masculine can be described in colors, but I suppose they already are. After all, sun is masculine and moon is feminine, and these are certainly light and dark. In physics, white is the presence of all colors, and black is lack of. But I find it interesting, because in some ways, I find it to be the opposite.
Let’s consider “white” in a spiritual sense. White is energetic purity, it’s essentially “god”. While light is healing, and it’s incredibly powerful. It is light, of course.
“Black” in a spiritual sense is the opposite. There’s generally no healing usage or consideration for black. Although it’s interesting to consider that black is often times a symbol of the universe. Much of my messages come to me surrounded by black, with a black background. When we close our eyes and imagine, the inside of our eyelids is black. Perhaps eve though it’s lack of, it’s opportunity to host/hold anything and everything.
When I channel the color black, it’s often times associated with depth, with power. With truth and existence. It’s “all knowing” and all answers. To me, black feels like it is anything and everything. But again, perhaps it’s just hosting anything and everything.
White light to me, feels opposite. It feels like a corrector, almost. It feels like it spear-heads life. While black feels expansive and ambiguous, light feels precise and to the point, it’s almost visualized like a dagger.
Since both are extremes of one end of the spectrum, they must of course, not just mean different things, but do different things. It’s hard to consider that white is contraction and black is expansion, but perhaps when we discuss lack of and excess of, it somewhat makes sense.
We often times use “black and white” as a metaphor. And it really can be used as such, since it represents dichotomy. It’s interesting that we often times use it in a negative or condescending sense. That not everything is “black and white”. But maybe that’s not technically correct. Perhaps it is. Maybe we just don’t like looking at it that way, or for some reason just can’t right now.
I think that in some sense, black and white are all of existence, just two different forms of it which push the universe forward. If white is everything and black is nothing, how can this or does this even work? It’s interesting because when I think about the source of all creation, to me it looks like a black planet with a ring of white light, and then black around it. It’s “source” or circle energy. It’s also interesting, because it somewhat looks like an eclipse. I’m not sure we will ever know anything and everything about black and white, but our perception of it in the physical world is a good start with understanding it everywhere else. Consider how you perceive black and white and how it fits into your life. What are the feelings you get regarding black and white? Is it or can it be significant?