291. What Happens When You Vilify Foods
Food is incredible, isn’t it? It’s grown from the earth, and then it’s molded by us, and our creativity. When we deduce food down to its essence, and it’s our ability to sustain life, it’s somewhat odd that we have such a warped relationship with it. Whether it’s starving ourselves from it, purposefully over inundating ourselves with it, or the simple/aggressive neglect of what we need, it’s somewhat of a constant problem. That is of course, in our world. Certainly those who do not have as many choices for food and survival, likely deal with these problems much less. It does make me wonder if choice is ultimately.a detriment to ourselves as a human race. Certainly it can’t be, but it’s sometimes on the back of my mind.
We can consider that all different types of food are mare up of all of the different edible elements of life. Certainly there are some which are more abundant, numerous and popular. I find this to simply be because the collective values certain types of energies over others. It’s quite obvious that all food sustains a slightly different energy. We know this factually, as different foods do different things to our bodies. And this is of course, how it interacts with our energy.
I talk about how the “perfect” spiritual diet is that of many, many different things. And the reasoning is quite obvious. The more that we eat foods from different places, the more we are gaining energy, and therefore abundance and strength from different walks of life. We become this amalgamation of different parts. Almost like… good mutant energy. What can harm you, if you are anything and everything? One could argue that there are some downsides to this, however. If you are one of anything/everything, do you simply have no strengths/ And how different are elements and their nutritional value? Could you not eat a diet with nutrient diverse foods, and it would do the same thing? It’s a fair point.
Diversity is truly the answer here, though. Perhaps it’s not every day, always, but only every so often. We must have the ability to adapt and diversity, though. Simply for the survival of our species. Consider food and energy like this. If you eat a diverse diet, the more you’ll able to digest energy coming from different areas and places. The better you may be with digestion in general. It’s kind of a cool concept and philosophy. Digestion and energetic digestion (mentally and emotionally) are strongly correlated. If you don’t allow energy to pass through you, say, in terms of feedback you receive or abundance that you receive, you likely will have gut issues.
I do want to open this up to all of the different types of food It’s interesting to me that some foods have been vilified, such as carbs, as many of these things are not only inherently necessary for diversity and strength, but they all also have their own unique strengths. Carbs for example, are binders, meaning that they have an excellent ability to grab onto energy as its digested. So when you do/are ingesting a lot of energy, particularly energy which may not be aligned to you or is lower in vibration, carbs actually help to release it.
I do also wonder about the effects of food. Food is a ritual, it brings people together, it can be nostalgic. How incredibly sad it would be if we couldn’t enjoy food which brought us closer to our friends, our family, our ancestors, our childhood memories. Every time we take a bite of this food, it’s like an energetic trigger. It’s an energetic connection, and it can bridge a divide.
Since food is energy and we’re energy, vilifying foods is not only intellectually somewhat stupid, but it can also disconnect us from our environment, nature, and energies around us. While it’s true that this isn’t to say that you should eat Twinkies very single day and for every single meal, of course the crux of what I’m saying is that there should be diversified, dense nutritional power, I’m saying to refuse to eat an entire food group is… silly.
Our strength as people is defined by the strength of our abundance. And the more we reconcile our warped relationship(s) with abundance, I reckon the better off we’ll be. As you move through life and consider your food choices, keep this in mind.