292. What Do Mind-Altering Substances Do?


I’ve talked a bit about marijuana before, but there’s an interesting conversation surrounding mind-altering drugs. What exactly do they do? Now, of course I’m not a scientist, but I do know a bit about metaphysics. I think because a lot of people perceive that hallucinogenics are typically spiritual “enhancers” so to speak, that there’s some kind of a connection. And I do believe that’s true.

If we start our discussion with the perceptions of the different realities that we live in. We live in a physical, or a “matrixed” reality, meaning that we’re only aware of our given perception value, as well as this specific physical reality. However, we can assume that beyond this earthly dimension or space/area, there is certainly “more. Now of course if you believe in spirituality or energy existing beyond this “form” or manifestation, then you also believe in a spiritual reality or realm. So there are two distinct realities, as well as our line of existence or awareness of them. So for example, at any given moment, I may be more in perception of physical reality vs. spiritual reality. But when I’m channeling, I may be more in the spiritual. This can change and ebb and flow over time. But we can imagine that at any given time, we’re a “mark” in this spectrum of physical to spiritual.

Loops are also an important part of this conversation, as they describe this matrixed reality. Anything and everything which is in a cycle, is on a loop. Atoms in an item are technically in a loop, because they aren’t changing. The sun rising every morning is a loop. Our behaviors and our thought processes are often times on loop. Anything which is energy can be in a loop. It’s a loop because it’s alive and moving, but it’s just following itself over and over again. It does bring up an interesting point as to whether or not ego is an important part of perpetuating loops.

We’re likely aware of the delicate sense fo reality we have, because of how quickly it can be rocked. With a singular comment, experience or other, we can be shook to our core. We may take for granted the consistency of our life. But if we imagine ourself in any other given circumstance, it may not be so easy.

If we imagine that mind-altering substances are forms of energy (in other words, they are “alive” in some way shape or form”, they can act as loop breakers. It’s kind of like how any substance works. It’s an energetic interjection to a body or energetic cycle which is on loop. You’re kind of… putting a wrench in the gears. There’s a delicate ecosystem of your energetic body, and there’s a foreign object or matter within it to break this loop. Often times, medicines for example, provide an alternative pathway through physical or spiritual intention, which move energies in a specific, different direction. Kind of like how modern medicine works. We are aware of the energetic or molecular properties of different substances, and we’re aware of how they interact with ourselves and other things. Since any and all things that exist are fractals of a larger whole, every single problem must have an alternate solution. It’s just whether or not we’ve discovered it, yet.

Down to its essence, everything has atomic and energetic categorization and meaning. It’s really our advancements in intelligence which can start to or end up putting the pieces together. However, ironically, we’ve been working with a similar system through intuition and spirituality for quite some time. I’m not saying that it can take the place of modern medicine, but imagine how powerful it can be if it works in combination. There are some things that both “worlds” of modern and ancient medicine struggle to solve. But that just scratches the surface of problems, particularly with modern medicine.

But let’s get back to mind-altering substances. Rather than go into this atomic particle detail, I want to circle back to the first part of our conversation about our delicate perception of reality. Say that we’re always at around a 5 on the physical to spiritual scale. These substances suddenly put a wrench in these gears, meaning that the flood gates are open. Many things can happen. We may become extremely tuned in to the spiritual world, particularly maniacal chaos if we’ve been rejecting or repressing our spirituality. So entities can come through, passed/repressed memories can come through. Anything and everything, depending on our previous relationship with our spiritual side, or the spiritual side. This wrench may make us “hop” to a different number, as we approach back to our perception and finding our footing. In some ways, our reality can “crash” if much of it was propped up as a way or means to protect ourselves through self preservation. Or “create” our own reality, if we weren’t pleased or able to cope with the previous or current one. The shifts and jumps in perception are because we are already at a point and place of perception toggling between two worlds. And these somewhat… rupture or change that. Whenever I channel mind altering substances, it feels like a loop which has been broken. Perhaps that loop is reality. But I think it can really be anything.

Another impression that comes up is a “firing” in different areas of our brain. Perhaps these areas were/are weak or atrophied. This means that this can “explode” this particular part, or as a result, a gateway or a pathway to our subconscious or the other side. This may create feelings of euphoria, as the channel becomes clear or opened.

I suppose the question now is… is this a good thing to do? I feel that all natural substances are likely OK in moderation, however that is a very blanket statement not considering I’m not aware of everyone’s personal experiences or journeys. Something good for me, might not be good for you. So this isn’t permission or advice. It’s more so philosophy. Again, our energetic bodies react quite differently with different things. Consider all of this information. If someone is struggling to change their perception value, or they desperately need to open up their spiritual side, there could be an intended use for different things. I think the key difference is intention versus recreation. Intention is key. Safety is important. Sacred-ness is important. Belief is important. So many things are important! To put your mind and body through these things is a big deal. And you don’t want to take advantage of it.


293. Analyze Everything In Your Life & Ask, “What If?”


291. What Happens When You Vilify Foods