30. What Is The Matrix?


It’s likely that we’ve all heard of “The Matrix” the movie, or in some other way come in contact with the idea of a matrixed reality. From my understanding, several prominent people in our society believe that we are living in a matrix. Perhaps even some scientists as well. I find that there’s a lot of dissonance between the public’s understanding of what a matrix is which is spreading a lot of fear and misinformation amongst people.

Really the only qualification that the matrix, or our matrix has to have is that it’s a state of being or state of living that isn’t inclusive of anything and everything going on outside of our universe. Hypothetically, even if we knew everything that’s going on in the world right now, we still don’t know what’s going on in the universe and other planets. Therefore, would we not be in a matrixed reality? From my definition, yes.

I personally believe we’re in a matrixed reality because I believe there is life beyond this existence. So theoretically if you believe that we ascend as a spirit or a soul, you also believe we’re in a matrixed reality. It’s simply a “created” reality designed for some type of purpose. Which is interesting to say, as that leads to the fact that we must be here for some type of purpose.

So. This is conceptually what a matrixed reality is, but what is our matrix? I find that the matrix is anything and everything that exists beyond our subconscious self. So our bodies, places, items, etc. Anything which will remain here after we pass. Energy however, could theoretically be not a part of this matrix as it does not ever cease to exist. It simply transforms. Energy being a part but not a part of our matrixed reality is actually quite an interesting idea/topic which I’ll have to consider more of.

So essentially, the trees in our backyard, the food on our plate and the hair on our head are part of this “matrix”. These things rarely change without a consciousness forcing them to do so. Anything without “life” virtually remains the same. Theoretically a toy would exist perfectly in its own state. The only thing influencing it is human or other environmental factors wearing it and tearing it. Nature itself is kind of an interesting thing because it does theoretically have “life” but for the most part, it exists solely as an intention of the matrix. To me, it’s kind of a weird outlier. But certainly the patterns that nature creates is driven by a bigger, larger matrix.

Virtually, anything that has freedom and ability of choice would be on the consciousness side of things. And anything which results in a loop of a pre-existing pattern would be a matrix. Which is actually an even more interesting topic. This would theoretically mean that if we are stuck in infinite loops, whether that be physical, mental or emotional, we would be stuck in a “matrix”. I’m sure that anyone who has dealt with any pre-existing loops would argue that it feels like one.

When I channel what the matrix “is”, I get a set of controls and binary code. Just 1’s and 0’s (and perhaps some other numbers, I’m not sure) running at the speed of light. Every “stop” of this code references a moment in time. These numbers simply run off of the pre-existing pattern which is why our reality essentially exists as it does. Everything is running off of the previous, which is why our entire earth isn’t flipped upside down. It’s why everything on it isn’t ripping itself apart of spontaneously combusting. It’s how everything exists virtually in perfect harmony.

Now this isn’t to say that it exists in another way as someone else perceives it. I simply perceive the matrix as binary code because it’s my frame of reference. But if you perceive it a different way, you’re certainly not wrong. It’s sort of like coming up with a new equation to get to the same end result.

Many people may wonder what’s the point. The matrix and our consciousness still exists, and it doesn’t change. So why are we investigating it. For me, our energetic bodies exist within all elements of this sliding scale of consciousness to matrixed reality. We’re constantly going back in forth. In other words, we have a feeling (consciousness) and it bumps into our reality (the world around us). And the reason we continue to go throughout life is because we are constantly adjusting, evolving and learning based on this. So what if we can make this process more efficient? Easier? More enjoyable? It would theoretically affect multiple areas of our life. 

The bigger and more interesting question is this. From my perspective (and most peoples perspective) the intention of living (in this lifetime) is to be happy, to be free, to learn, evolve and grow. Understanding and distilling this matrix can help with that. But what if that’s not the goal. What if there’s a greater goal. Could be? With infinite number of questions answers and realities, it should be.


31. Common Signs From Your Spirit Guides


29. The Dissonance Of Spiritual Generations