31. Common Signs From Your Spirit Guides


Spirit guides (and ancestors) come through with so many different types of signs it’s almost impossible to deduce them down. However since we typically all live a similar human experiences (and I feel that every physical manifestation ladders up to a larger concept or theme), there are definitely some synchronicities, patterns and redundancies I’ve observed.

It’s interesting because spirit guide signs are so much talked about and so widely accepted amongst psychics. Spirit guides as a whole are so widely accepted that it’s a topic I love to talk about. Everyone has their own personal perspective and opinion, but I find so many commonalities, which is refreshing. I feel like the collective certainly has a brilliant abundance of sources to choose from.

I find that spirit guides and ancestors can often send similar signs (I mean heck, they can send whatever signs  they want) but there are some slight differences. Ironically, I find that ancestors often send more “typical” or overt signs such as coins, feathers, etc. as a means of validation. Spirit guides often times have more subtle influence over us. They can spark inspiration, motivation or even great ideas. 

Let’s do a deep dive into what I perceive to be “common” signs from your guides, or ancestors, too!

Coins: Coins are a super common sign from spirit because they are so easy to manipulate. I feel that coins don’t inherently have any energetic value, so they can be easily moved or placed. I find that “heads up” coins, especially pennies, are quite commonly used. If you find them in random parts of your home, it can mean that they are placed there simply to get your attention. But sometimes they indicate that more “attention” needs to be placed to that part of the home. I particularly love when coins are “found” on pathways while walking or traveling. Particularly if it’s heads up, it’s metaphoric that the “direction” you’re moving in is correct. Also great validation.

Feathers: A similar sentiment to coins. Since feathers are so easy to come by, I often times find that they are a common spiritual sign. I actually feel that they are more so associated with ancestors, and typically resemble comfort, soothing feelings or validation(s). Since this particular feather came from an animal and crossed your path, it can sometimes resemble a “gift” from the universe.

Lighting manipulation: Although slightly less common (and I would have to imagine more difficult), lighting manipulation is easily accessible by spirits. Often times this manifests as blinking/twinkling lights, or perhaps even lights which burn out altogether. I feel that this is often times to grab the watcher’s attention straight away. Since electricity and electrical output is a conduit for energy, it’s quite easy for spirits to travel in this direction and “end up” wherever there’s a lot of lighting. If you do experience lighting manipulation, consider yourself at that very moment. What comes to mind? Perhaps a person? Perhaps a thought, feeling or emotion? Consider if there’s something pressing or urgent to attend to. But to be honest, often times it’s just a dramatic way for spirits to make themselves known. Although this could easily be a separate category, drained technology or appliances are also often times a sign of spirits. However I feel that often times spirits use this as a way to gain more “energy” so to speak, and is not necessarily a sign inherent to itself.

Entertainment, technology and social media: One of the most interesting aspects of technology, including our smartphone, TV, social media, etc. is not only that it’s happening in real time, but it’s incredibly vast and pervasive. We’re dealing with tons of alerts, pop-ups, ads and messages coming through to our phone. Since technology is already an incredibly easy way for spirits to communicate. We all may joke about advertisers listening to our conversations, but likewise, spirits can bring pop ups to our phone which are relevant to what we’re going through. Whether it’s a video on social media that makes you laugh, spurs an idea or thought, or perhaps you come across some inspiring words, these can all be prompted by spiritual intervention. Note that often times spirit guides focus on motivating and inspiring us, and particularly social media is great at doing so.

Any time you see something which immediately sparks an intuitive reaction, it’s likely that this is spiritual intervention. Often times I’m asked how people can know they’re receiving a sign. If you’re question it, chances are you’re receiving a sign! Really anything that provokes a gut reaction, or simply a subconscious reaction is triggering something more important than conscious level. Even if you’re questioning it, consider it a sign. What could it hurt?

Realistically, some of the most pervasive signs are totally unknown. It’s sparks of information, memories and moments of resonation courtesy of your spirit guides. But the important message here is not to wait for it. Is there something you want to accomplish or achieve today? If you’re struggling, ask your spirit guides or ancestors! After all, it’s their job to help you :).

Remember, you can certainly spur these “feelings” yourself. By seeking out modalities of inspiration, memories, or other stimulation (such as music, movies, physical activities, etc.) you can receive more alignment in regards to your life path or what you’re going through in general. Signs from spirit are amazing and validating, but you’ll want to ensure that you bridge the gap between sign and physical manifestation/reality. It’s certainly your job to do so!


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