302. How To Communicate With Your Pets
In my last post I talked about how and why a passed pet was an incredibly challenging and difficult experience, and this was due to a lack or break in communication from person to pet. But how can we possibly rectify this, if pets cannot speak our language? Realistically, we must know that… we don’t have to speak the same language to observe, feel an intuit. There are some things which are universal, even in the animal kingdom. Even with plants, we can know and understand when/where they’re doing well, and adversely, when they’re struggling.
So here are some ways, starting from the top (or bottom) you can help improve your communication with your pet(s):
Know what you’re getting into: There’s an element of acknowledgment and acceptance here. You cannot communicate with your pets the way you communicate with others, and that’s okay. But you can still have successful communication by intuiting and reading each other. You will need to be the one to start this process and take these steps, not the other way around. Sometimes setting this intention can be hard, because it can require more work. What happens if/when it’s successful? What does that mean? Are you going to find out more than you may be wanting to know or be capable of knowing right now?
Set the intention: Y’all know I’m big on intention setting. It should never be “I want to..”. It’s always, “I am”.
Observe: This one is somewhat obvious, but we need to observe with the intention in mind. Just simply observing as you went on before, will likely do nothing. Be aware of what’s going on with your pet with heightened awareness. how do they look? How do you feel they feel? What are some ways you can be more astute and aware? Sometimes this process means breaking down preconceived notions. Try to go in with a fresh perspective and a fresh mind. Sometimes this makes all the difference. Feel free to write down things you notice, so you can take note of it. Is your pet doing something unique? Are they doing something which you previously may have overlooked? If you feel like it’s important, it likely is.
Consider being more consistent with your routine, or adversely, changing it up: Depending on where you fall in this spectrum, you may want to try different things. Change can certainly be good if it’s needed. However it’s important to consult a professional if you do make any lifestyle changes with your pet. Typically our pets will let us know if there’s a problem through their behavior, but there are certainly small tweaks you can make to your schedule and routine which can help. What happens if you “add more” to your pet’s life or enrichment? Does it work? Doesn’t it?
Seek out a professional when needed: This can be a challenging process to do alone. Seek out advice and support from loved ones, as well as pet professionals.
Work on developing your intuition: Since I channel and feel intuitive already, this is an easier process for me. But if you’re lacking in intuitive abilities, it can be super hard. You can try practicing with other people, places and things to work up courage. Trying to intuit other animals, even if it’s birds or squirrels, can help. If you feel it’s right, it’s likely right! It takes practice and patience, and you can start with “less important” things. Whatever strikes your fancy.
Start deducing patterns: This is kind of a “step up” from simply observing. When your cat shows a certain type or kind of behavior, take action. Be proactive. This is where you start putting the pieces together. There could be information in their barks/meows/walks/moods/anger/frustrations/cuddles/timelines/etc.
Advance your intuition with “pretend” conversations: This is not mandatory, but it’s something I do, so I feel like it’s worth noting. If your cat could talk at any given moment, what would they say? What’s your intuitive/knee-jerk reaction? If you “need” a response and/or are getting frustrated, you could try personifying them in your own mind. Like I said… I do this a lot (lol).
Have trust and faith: Our pets are typically our divine soulmates. They don’t come into our life on accident. There’s an unbreakable bond, and there’s going to be bumps along the road. There takes patience, l’ve and understanding. Do not give up. Your pets wouldn’t give up on you!
Just love them: The best advice I ever got was to “just love”. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.