303. Are Mediums Pro-Birth?
I have wondered as to what the answer to this question is. Here’s how I feel in general: I won’t speak for all mediums, but I feel like I’m generally the middle man. I feel that I generally work on behalf of the living collective, but also the other side. However since I am a human, my job is generally for the living. I would say that… I work 51% for the living, and 49% for the dead. One would think that all of my requests are coming from the living, but that’s not really true. There are definitely some rogue spirits which come to me which want to be heard. I’m not sure why specifically I have such a strong feeling to protect the collective, but maybe it’s simply because I’m “one of them”. You always protect your “home field”, you know? But maybe the feeling runs deeper. Maybe it’s truth.
There’s so much information and nuance regarding life and death. But it’s a “fact of life”. I’ve talked before about our obsession of life at any cost, which would likely correspond to pro-birth, which I am against. But I don’t love to take sides.
Here’s what I will say. I find that souls being brought into this world are of consent of all parties, however, it may not be conscious consent. What does this mean? It means that on a subconscious spiritual level, we allow souls to come in, even though we don’t consciously want it. Our conscious self and our subconscious self are often times at war. We may even try harder not to have a child if deep down, it’s our destiny. At times, we tend to run away from the truth.
Knowing that our souls are eternal and that we will always continue to exist, it’s hard to defend a pro-birth platform when it doesn’t align to an individuals needs. While I did just say that there was subconscious consent of all parties, that doesn’t mean there is conscious. And conscious is of course… our reality. I personally find that the reason abortion is accepted and acceptable at this current point and place in time is due to our rapid evolution. We need option and choice. Imagine that the universe is like a bunch of spaghetti being thrown at the wall. It’s trying to see “what sticks”. And we… determine it. If we consider a world without abortion, it’s more so aligned to a contraction timeline, or in other words, worlds like the past. Things are slower, we had less options. It made more sense. But now, lack of family planning is not just a detriment or a problem, it’s somewhat unrealistic with our given lifestyle. Besides divine masculine and divine feminine forces fighting amongst themselves, I do believe the want for abortion is also the want to stop our rapid evolution. To go back to a slower, simpler time. We can theoretically halt our evolution, but due to inertia, it will likely be more challenging than we think. We would need substantial “resets” such as COVID to stunt us. While our intelligence may never be stunted or reversed, our energetic and evolution growth may be. Particularly in a world which prioritized divine masculine evolution vs. divine feminine. This is likely why we are experiencing a mental health crisis. Lack of support for divine feminine energy.
We haven’t even broached the subject of trauma caused by death and birth. Ironically, this is somewhat part of our learning and evolutionary process, but inflicting it without consent is very spiritually and energetically uncool. It’s pretty much… one of the worst things that you can do. For the most part I am stuck in the middle of both sides of every collective argument, but when we needlessly perpetuate undue energetic burden, I have a problem with it. Particularly when we are in such a place of desperate need of healing. People need to go about and choose their own journeys. So yes, I am pro-birth, but not pro-forced birth. After all, I do need a collective to work for!