311. Negative Perception Of Intense Emotions
I initially wanted to delete this post, as I had written the title long ago. I really didn’t want people to get the wrong idea. I didn’t want negative emotions to be glorified, or that they were only “okay” for certain people. But I can see how that may be the case.
There are a lot of perceived negative emotions. Some are anger, intensity, sadness, confusion, even bewilderment, etc. Anything which can be seen as potentially negative. I will say that in terms of characteristics, almost any energies we inhabit can be used for good. They’re somewhat on a “sliding scale”. But what about the emotions which are inherently more towards the negative end of it?
There’s some clear obvious ones. Let’s take anger, for example. From my perspective, anger is misalignment. When two or more forces “deceive” us in our preconceived notion. In other words, we were thinking or wanting one thing, and that apparent thing decides to take a bit of a turn, go a different way, a different direction in life, so to speak. That frustration of misalignment often times causes anger. We can even talk about intense sadness or depression. How could any of these things actually be good or positive/ Well I guess the question is… how can they ultimately be god or positive?
While it’s true that no one aspires to have these emotions, unless they for some reason want to, they are sometimes necessary. Now, why would they be necessary? Intense emotions, which are particularly sad, are what I like to call “gutter bumpers”, like the ones you have in bowling. These intense emotions can often times thwart us from an unsafe situation, or guide us to our highest path in life. At times, these emotions are intended to process old, negative or stagnant energy which we may have accumulated from this life, or last life. If we consider the intensity of these emotions, we realize that they can be used as an agent of change. Consider the times when you’ve been motivated to help yourself or help other people due to negative experiences that you’ve faced. Negative experiences change the world.
Now, what you do with these negative experiences is up to you. You can let them eat you alive, or you can be proactive with them. The decision is up to you. I have an article regarding transmuting negative energy if you’d like more information.
Are powerful, negative emotions always necessary? I think it depends on the situation. Maybe no, but maybe yes. I do find that if your energy is leaning toward an explosion of emotion, it is sometimes necessary. But you do want to avoid getting there. If you find yourself to be heading toward this direction, or already quite volatile, it may be time to do some heavy soul-searching or seek out a licensed professional to understand why. Fluctuations in energetic state/body and mood can be totally normal, but at the end of the day, it may be up to you to determine if they are in fact interrupting your life. I do find that negative, powerful emotions can often times stem from a misalignment of purpose. That is where the anger comes through, and the sadness often times comes from not aligning to spirituality or source energy as a whole.
The thing that we don’t want to do as a collective is to “cure” these emotions with bypassing or a pill. It’s important we work through them, because they are simply the symptom of a root cause. If we simply mask the symptoms, we won’t actually be doing any healing. Any type of intervention type of work should only be to bring the client to a sustainable state to then work on these issues. It should not be a long-term solution.
Consider the emotions that you have. What’s more common than not? Is it surrounding a particular theme? There’s likely insight in picking up on different patterns. Sometimes you need to trust your gut in terms of what is a “problem”. It can be really challenging to view your life from a bird’s eye view. New options and opportunities can help combat this to get out of your current perception value.
My end statement is that negative emotions are a part of life. Processing them is simply the way to heal. You never want to stuff these emotions down or repress/reject them. Negativity can be used for good. It’s all in your perception of the circumstances and your approach moving forward. I also created another article on how to use fear positively which can be helpful for those struggling with anxiety.