310. Everything Is AI


Hear me out. I realize that this take is purely out of my own perception value. It’s true that I see more of the world in a “deduction” state. I’m very Capricorn-like in the sense that I’m consistently compartmentalizing, looking at energy in addition and subtraction, and just in general focusing or even fixating on a pragmatic approach to problems. One cold say that I’m more about “math and science” or numbers, in comparison to other channelers out there.

I distinctly remember an experience I had where I was out to lunch with my friend and I was observing someone’s energetic field. I told her it looked like a “grid” where there were red waves going up and down, and blue waves going left to right. It formed this “grid pattern” which was similar to any type of architectural grid. I noticed that some had wavier portions than others, but everyone’s was incredibly unique. As a result, it must be that everyone’s “grid” is made up of their own, unique physical characteristics. Or at least, that’s what I presumed. But it doesn’t end there.

Whenever I ask to channel the matrix, I quite literally see hundreds, if not thousands of “boards” which are all in 0’s and 1’s. I realized that our matrixed reality had to be set up like code. In essence, every single day we wake up to (relatively) the same thing, unless it’s intervened by consciousness. Our world would theoretically stand still without forces of nature, humans, animals, etc. Things would not even decay if we didn’t have water and wind. It would just “be”. We think it’s so normal and natural for things to remain the same, but it’s likely not. For things to remain the same, it must be some type of a matrix. A loop, in essence, which is consistently moving yet remaining exactly the same. We know this, because we’re always in a relationship with time. So if we are set up in a linear fashion, and certain things, such as inanimate objects don’t move, they actually have to technically always be moving, but they’re just always moving in the exact same way. Does that make sense?

When I see inanimate objects, sometimes I see grids, and other times I see 0’s and 1’s. I wonder if it’s just a perception value, but I also wonder if inanimate objects retain our own energetic grids in some way shape or form. We know that items can harbor energy, so they also must have a unique energetic pattern.

To b honest, it’s a topic I haven’t dived super deep into, it’s more so just been my observations and perceptions. But if we look at life through the lens of a matrixed reality, anything and everything that’s not consciousness can theoretically operate and exist as AI. What does that mean? I’m not even entirely sure. Maybe it’s just a comparison. Or the realization that AI is just the existence of our spiritual/physical reality, but theoretically, in an even more physical or “accurate” way.

What does this mean about reading items and objects? Or maybe even people? Does the “fabric” of objects reflect in this AI grid? Also a question I’m not entirely sure of. Although these items and objects are AI and loops which is very interesting, the true interest in reading and channeling is related to conscious beings. I wonder if we would be better channelers if we were less complicated beings. Our gridded “layers” overlap and can cause lots of confusion. Not a surprise, as often times we can get in our own heads, or get confused about ourselves and our circumstances. It makes sense. Another question to ask is the relationship between grids and Ai. Is everything conscious a grid, and is everything conscious-less AI? Not sure.

No matter what you believe, see if you can perceive items and objects in a different way. How in tune are you with them? People have lots of different heightened scientific and mathematical abilities, and forms of synesthesia. Do you not have any of these abilities, or have you simply never taken the time to question yourself? I consistently get the message to work facing a different wall. To look at things I know for certain and open myself up to a new perception value. We stare at things all day long and have no thought. But why? Although the items may not change, our relationship, connection and perception of them can. And maybe that’s even more important.


311. Negative Perception Of Intense Emotions


309. The Best Way To Get Over A Breakup