322. We Need To Start Evolving More Quickly


This may be somewhat of a contrast in sentiments, as I am often time saying “we’re evolving too quickly”. So… what gives?

To be more specific, I find that as a collective we are physically evolving quite quickly (think technology), but mentally and emotionally almost regressing. This doesn’t quite surprise me, as we need to retain somewhat of a sense of “balance”. If we’re physically evolving too quickly, we may get to be a bit too hung up on the past. Where perhaps we were at a “peak”. Particularly because our present looks so much different than what we would have expected. But what really proves to me that we are not evolved as a species is the perpetuation of the most common and recurring themes that we struggle with- essentially the “ism’s”, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. We are plagued with sociological problems. Not to mention the pervasiveness of mental illness such as anxiety and depression.

So why is this a problem? To put it frankly, our mental state and our emotions are primarily how we cannot to the other side. They are our “spiritual self”. And for all intents and purposes, they are needed for not just our function, but also the perpetuation of our physical outcomes, inventions, etc. I do wonder at times if our lagged mental and emotional states are one way of slowing down our physical world. It’s possible. One could also theorize that the intense speed of physical evolution “ricochets” all of the old, negative and stagnant energy we had been avoiding for centuries. I certainly think that there are several theories in terms of the “why”. But what do we do about it?

There’s of course a sense of peace and grace that perhaps this is needed. But after all, mental and emotional strain does cause suffering, which is something that we don’t want. Of course, the first step in this process is acknowledgement. Then we must move to acceptance and transmission of negative energy. You can check out my transmission of negative energy post to find out more about this on a personal level. 

So what happens if we don’t evolve our mental/emotional states, but continue to evolve our physical? We will be even more off-balanced. I’m sure at this point you may be asking, well how are we continuing to evolve our physical if our mental/emotional states are not just stagnant, but behind us? If you notice, our physical evolution is somewhat plateauing, which I don’t think is a coincidence. However, if we continue to force the issue and continue “overworking” ourselves with minimal outcome, we’ll likely feel so drained that we can’t even take anything on. Therefore, again, limiting our evolution. Ideally, we would be on a somewhat conservative but progressive track for evolution. But is that even really possible? Do we have to always be in some kind of an unbalanced state to continue to move forward? Not sure.

Despite the worst thing to happen is seemingly stunted evolution, we are going to keep putting tremendous amounts of pressure onto the collective to stretch them in physical ways which they cannot accommodate. We’re going to ultimately be running in circles. People will be exhausted, and there will be no time for anything. We’re just going to run ourselves into the ground. Perhaps this is my official request to demand more space and health for our mental and emotional states. Everything, including yourself and the rest of the collective is counting on it.

What does a faster evolutionary cycle mean? It will likely mean that some can’t keep up, but others can. There’s only so many that can survive on a rapid pace or scale of evolution. It could hypothetically mean a smaller global population. On top of that, we would be very diligently focused on our own self evolution. Which is another reason for our shrinkage in population: We may have less time and ability to help others, at first. But the more evolved we are as a species, the better we will be. We will likely be healthier, and more joyous and happier. All good things. Let’s prioritize this for the future :).


323. Conditioning Is Like Having Someone Else Live Your Life


321. The Unexpected Importance Of Trees