321. The Unexpected Importance Of Trees
One of my most random but coolest topics to talk about is trees. We really take it for granted how many trees there are, or even their power and beauty. I’m sure that walking down the street you hardly notice trees. Although we tend to notice them when they’re gone. They play such an important role in our lives, not just physically, but spiritually as well. Perhaps in some instances we do marvel at trees, on a hike or whatnot. But all trees are meaningful, that’s for sure!
It’s no surprise that trees have a literary importance. “The Giving Tree” comes up. It’s somewhat a representation of our bodies, our chakras, and even the story of our lives. We grow with roos, we retain a solid “body” and then we spread our branches and leaves We also tend to go through cycles, much like trees as well. The characteristics and metaphors can go on and on.
I will say that despite my feelings of their power, trees don’t often times come up in messages. I think because they’re more so a representation of us versus a specific message. However, if I did see a tree, I would likely decode it as being “rooted” in the ground.
Trees are fascinating spiritual beings” because they start within the earth and rise above the earth. In other words, the y breach two different realms. We on the other hand, are just walking on top of the earth, so we’re only breaching one. When we “transcend” different levels and realms, we gain additional power.
Otherwise, it’s hard to tell why trees are so powerful. But I do feel like it leans into this crossing of worlds connection. There’s no coincidence in why people have “breakthroughs” near trees. Think Isaac Newton. Why people like to sit underneath trees or near trees to take some time to think, receive clarity. There are lots of “meet me by the tree” moments. Trees don’t just offer shade, but a place for people to gather. A landmark. Historically, they are prominent features. You can even think of “carving your initials into a tree”. Trees are. with us in so many different ways, but somehow go unseen. They help provide the air for us to breathe, their wood ignites fire, their presence ensures erosion doesn’t happen. And of course, again, they are solidly planted into the earth. They truly are a part of all elements!
Consider what kind of spiritual “breakthrough” you need to go experience or go through. Can a tree potentially help? It may seem counterintuitive to be particularly grounded and/or rooted to receive spiritual information, but perhaps the grounding element is just what’s missing. Otherwise, it may just be a mystery.