330. How To Be A Better Human Towards Earth


It’s such a disappointment to see people feel so helpless or hopeless about the earth in general. Particularly related to environmental causes and global warming.

It’s true that as a person you are likely not going to solve global warming on your own. Even those whoa re outspoken on the topic have little control over the actions of others. I find this is what really prevents people from taking charge, initiative or working for change.

It’s important to note that it’s true, you cannot control or change everyone’s actions and behaviors, but you still are very much in charge of your own.

I hope that we can all look at treating the earth properly in a slightly different way. Although there are more '‘practical” approaches to solving the environmental or climate crisis’, there’s so much more than what meets the eye. While watching our C02 is certainly important, there’s a more important journey at stake, which is people’s relationships with mother earth. This is a relationship which has been strained over time.

We can bat people over the head with convincing them to replicate behaviors, but we cannot convince people to love the earth. This is a relationship which needs to be healed and mended on its own. Behaviors such as electric cars and recycling are great steps, but they’re just that… behaviors. When we shift and change, these actions need to shift and change as well. Which means that time, space, patience, and resources allocated must be a part of it. But what if we can simply start with ourselves and the relationship that we have as individuals as well as a collective to earth.

So where do we start?

Let’s consider all of the overarching concepts and themes related to our earth and the environment. What does the earth provide for us?

One, it provides a home. It is quite literally our home, and our home environment. Two, it provides sustenance. The air we breathe, the food that we eat. Essentially the groundwork for all of the physical things that we use and consume. I find these to be the two major overarching concepts.

Also important to note is the dichotomy value of earth. Earth is “mother earth”, which in turn means that it represents divine feminine energy.

So we have 3 themes that we can start with. Sense of home, sense of sustenance, and sense of divine feminine energy. Let’s deconstruct all of these further.

When we have respect for our own homes and our sense of home, we will by proxy likely have more respect for earth and the environment. Work on any warped relationships you have with the concept of home. Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Are you neglecting taking care of your home/ Is he concept of “home” foreign, strained or difficult for you? Set and say affirmations to yourself which improve your sense of peace with belonging. “This is my home (earth), I respect my home, I will work to provide an equal energetic exchange with my home (earth)”.

When we have a warped relationship with sustenance, or the energy that we receive and digest, we may also have an issue with the earth or nature as a whole. It’s important to prioritize healthy and valuable sustenance for your body. Some affirmations can be, “I deserve positive, life-reinforcing sustenance”, “I am one with the earth”, “I value positive, high vibrational sustenance, as well as an equal energetic exchange”.

Concepts and themes are like a buoy, and they all start from within ourself. So if we have issues with these themes, we are going to project them outward. How we treat ourselves, our physical/mental and emotional selves is how we will treat our environment and our mother earth.

Going out, loving and appreciating nature or setting and intention helps create a stronger bridge. The more we allow for integration. Less likely that we’ll be to reject nature moving forward.


331. Do You Have Safe & Protective Energy?


329. Integration & Our Push Towards Minimalism