333. Older Generations Repressed Their Trauma & Gifted It To You
This title brings up any interesting question. Does ancestry trauma or karma continue on, even if it is resolved? And what is it, really?
How do we exist in our energetic bodies? Is it a combination of nature, nurture, or more?
I’ve talked before about the complex ways in which we exist on this earth, whether it be energy from past lives, from our early childhood experiences, astrological energy, and more. Everyone’s energetic signature is so incredibly different and unique, because we’ve all had such different energetic experiences. Clearly leading to the conclusion that our experiences make up a large part of it. But we know of course, our experiences are not only here on this earth, they are “before” as well.
So when we get “Matched” so to speak with our families, do we agree to “take on” said karma? Is it relevant or even practical to us? Considering we are at first incarnating with it and it’s not something we have control over, I do suspect we have awareness. On the other side, we certainly have general awareness about our future families, meaning that this is something which can and would be observable. But why does it happen? I suspect that often times we cycle through the same or similar family structures, meaning that these energies have been building for quite some time. I do suspect that if for whatever reason the energy is a little bit more foreign to us personally, it’s still somehow relevant. Consider that as we continue to evolve, we need to collect and gain more and more experiences. These are our energetic “reference”. Some of them at certain times lend themselves to different overarching concepts and themes. And in order for us to learn and process through them, we must go through experiences which are relative to them in some way shape or form. We are all ultimately intended to help each other at the end of the day, despite it not seeming so.
So let’s talk about it- if your family processes their trauma, is it still “gifted” onto you. My personal feelings is no, it’s not. And the purpose of that is that we are intended to continue to evolve. There would be no reason for us to continue to regurgitate trauma needlessly. Ultimately, nothing would end up being resolved. It does physically make sense, considering when we transmute pain and trauma it “releases” from our body. And therefore it no longer exists within us. But even if you have a hard time understanding or grasping this, when we are proactively working through our traumas we do a lot of stuff which ultimately projects this trauma onto other people mentally and emotionally. When this is resolved within us, we stop projecting and the cycle ends.
So does this mean if you refuse to face your fears, you will pass them on? I’m not saying yes, but I am saying it’s likely. After all, if you’re having children, you are genetically ad mentally/emotionally reproducing yourself. Without being a better version of yourself, how could you not create a “worse” version fo yourself? All things to consider.
I will say this. Sometimes energetic trauma is so big/massive, being collected over lifetimes and through family lines, it takes multiple people to resolve it. How? When you’re put in a pressure cooker of people all very similar to you, you’re somewhat forced to deal and reckon with them. I do feel that our energetic connections can improve byproxy, even if we don’t have communication. Kind of like how we all share energetic thrads. Of course, it is your choice to untether yourself at any time.
This is not something that people are taught. No one… really knows. So it’s not particularly helpful to blame people for passing down trauma. If we consider that every single person has their fare share of stuff to go through, we realize that in some way shape or form, we’re all in the same boat. Focus on yourself, heightening your sense of awareness, working on your sense of responsibility, and proactively facing your fears, we can all make the world a better place.
If you’re interested in intellectualizing this trauma a bit more, you can check out my other posts on how to deduce ancestry trauma. Otherwise, feel free to set the intention to start uncovering what your ancestry trauma or karma is. Your guides and subconscious will do the work for you.
Overall, this is somewhat the energetic cycle of life. Until we all end up hearing ourselves, or helping to heal others. The more that you prioritize this and make an effort, I reckon the less likely you’ll have to keep coming back and doing the same things over and over again. Maybe you’ll get a much needed vacation :).